/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict";
const { RawSource, ReplaceSource } = require("webpack-sources");
// TODO: clean up this file
// replace with newer constructs
// TODO: remove DependencyVariables and replace them with something better
class JavascriptGenerator { generate(module, dependencyTemplates, runtimeTemplate) { const originalSource = module.originalSource(); if (!originalSource) { return new RawSource("throw new Error('No source available');"); }
const source = new ReplaceSource(originalSource);
this.sourceBlock( module, module, [], dependencyTemplates, source, runtimeTemplate );
return source; }
sourceBlock( module, block, availableVars, dependencyTemplates, source, runtimeTemplate ) { for (const dependency of block.dependencies) { this.sourceDependency( dependency, dependencyTemplates, source, runtimeTemplate ); }
/** * Get the variables of all blocks that we need to inject. * These will contain the variable name and its expression. * The name will be added as a parameter in a IIFE the expression as its value. */ const vars = block.variables.reduce((result, value) => { const variable = this.sourceVariables( value, availableVars, dependencyTemplates, runtimeTemplate );
if (variable) { result.push(variable); }
return result; }, []);
/** * if we actually have variables * this is important as how #splitVariablesInUniqueNamedChunks works * it will always return an array in an array which would lead to a IIFE wrapper around * a module if we do this with an empty vars array. */ if (vars.length > 0) { /** * Split all variables up into chunks of unique names. * e.g. imagine you have the following variable names that need to be injected: * [foo, bar, baz, foo, some, more] * we can not inject "foo" twice, therefore we just make two IIFEs like so: * (function(foo, bar, baz){ * (function(foo, some, more){ * … * }(…)); * }(…)); * * "splitVariablesInUniqueNamedChunks" splits the variables shown above up to this: * [[foo, bar, baz], [foo, some, more]] */ const injectionVariableChunks = this.splitVariablesInUniqueNamedChunks( vars );
// create all the beginnings of IIFEs
const functionWrapperStarts = injectionVariableChunks.map( variableChunk => { return this.variableInjectionFunctionWrapperStartCode( variableChunk.map(variable => variable.name) ); } );
// and all the ends
const functionWrapperEnds = injectionVariableChunks.map(variableChunk => { return this.variableInjectionFunctionWrapperEndCode( module, variableChunk.map(variable => variable.expression), block ); });
// join them to one big string
const varStartCode = functionWrapperStarts.join("");
// reverse the ends first before joining them, as the last added must be the inner most
const varEndCode = functionWrapperEnds.reverse().join("");
// if we have anything, add it to the source
if (varStartCode && varEndCode) { const start = block.range ? block.range[0] : -10; const end = block.range ? block.range[1] : module.originalSource().size() + 1; source.insert(start + 0.5, varStartCode); source.insert(end + 0.5, "\n/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */" + varEndCode); } }
for (const childBlock of block.blocks) { this.sourceBlock( module, childBlock, availableVars.concat(vars), dependencyTemplates, source, runtimeTemplate ); } }
sourceDependency(dependency, dependencyTemplates, source, runtimeTemplate) { const template = dependencyTemplates.get(dependency.constructor); if (!template) { throw new Error( "No template for dependency: " + dependency.constructor.name ); } template.apply(dependency, source, runtimeTemplate, dependencyTemplates); }
sourceVariables( variable, availableVars, dependencyTemplates, runtimeTemplate ) { const name = variable.name; const expr = variable.expressionSource( dependencyTemplates, runtimeTemplate );
if ( availableVars.some( v => v.name === name && v.expression.source() === expr.source() ) ) { return; } return { name: name, expression: expr }; }
/* * creates the start part of a IIFE around the module to inject a variable name * (function(…){ <- this part * }.call(…)) */ variableInjectionFunctionWrapperStartCode(varNames) { const args = varNames.join(", "); return `/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(${args}) {`; }
contextArgument(module, block) { if (this === block) { return module.exportsArgument; } return "this"; }
/* * creates the end part of a IIFE around the module to inject a variable name * (function(…){ * }.call(…)) <- this part */ variableInjectionFunctionWrapperEndCode(module, varExpressions, block) { const firstParam = this.contextArgument(module, block); const furtherParams = varExpressions.map(e => e.source()).join(", "); return `}.call(${firstParam}, ${furtherParams}))`; }
splitVariablesInUniqueNamedChunks(vars) { const startState = [[]]; return vars.reduce((chunks, variable) => { const current = chunks[chunks.length - 1]; // check if variable with same name exists already
// if so create a new chunk of variables.
const variableNameAlreadyExists = current.some( v => v.name === variable.name );
if (variableNameAlreadyExists) { // start new chunk with current variable
chunks.push([variable]); } else { // else add it to current chunk
current.push(variable); } return chunks; }, startState); } }
module.exports = JavascriptGenerator;