/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict";
const util = require("util");
const DependenciesBlock = require("./DependenciesBlock"); const ModuleReason = require("./ModuleReason"); const SortableSet = require("./util/SortableSet"); const Template = require("./Template");
/** @typedef {import("./Chunk")} Chunk */ /** @typedef {import("./RequestShortener")} RequestShortener */ /** @typedef {import("./WebpackError")} WebpackError */ /** @typedef {import("./util/createHash").Hash} Hash */
let debugId = 1000;
const sortById = (a, b) => { return a.id - b.id; };
const sortByDebugId = (a, b) => { return a.debugId - b.debugId; };
/** @typedef {(requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string} OptimizationBailoutFunction */
class Module extends DependenciesBlock { constructor(type, context = null) { super(); /** @type {string} */ this.type = type; /** @type {string} */ this.context = context;
// Unique Id
/** @type {number} */ this.debugId = debugId++;
// Hash
/** @type {string} */ this.hash = undefined; /** @type {string} */ this.renderedHash = undefined;
// Info from Factory
/** @type {TODO} */ this.resolveOptions = EMPTY_RESOLVE_OPTIONS; /** @type {object} */ this.factoryMeta = {};
// Info from Build
/** @type {WebpackError[]} */ this.warnings = []; /** @type {WebpackError[]} */ this.errors = []; /** @type {object} */ this.buildMeta = undefined; /** @type {object} */ this.buildInfo = undefined;
// Graph (per Compilation)
/** @type {ModuleReason[]} */ this.reasons = []; /** @type {SortableSet<Chunk>} */ this._chunks = new SortableSet(undefined, sortById);
// Info from Compilation (per Compilation)
/** @type {number|string} */ this.id = null; /** @type {number} */ this.index = null; /** @type {number} */ this.index2 = null; /** @type {number} */ this.depth = null; /** @type {Module} */ this.issuer = null; /** @type {undefined | object} */ this.profile = undefined; /** @type {boolean} */ this.prefetched = false; /** @type {boolean} */ this.built = false;
// Info from Optimization (per Compilation)
/** @type {null | boolean} */ this.used = null; /** @type {false | true | string[]} */ this.usedExports = null; /** @type {(string | OptimizationBailoutFunction)[]} */ this.optimizationBailout = [];
// delayed operations
/** @type {undefined | {oldChunk: Chunk, newChunks: Chunk[]}[] } */ this._rewriteChunkInReasons = undefined;
/** @type {boolean} */ this.useSourceMap = false;
// info from build
this._source = null; }
get exportsArgument() { return (this.buildInfo && this.buildInfo.exportsArgument) || "exports"; }
get moduleArgument() { return (this.buildInfo && this.buildInfo.moduleArgument) || "module"; }
disconnect() { this.hash = undefined; this.renderedHash = undefined;
this.reasons.length = 0; this._rewriteChunkInReasons = undefined; this._chunks.clear();
this.id = null; this.index = null; this.index2 = null; this.depth = null; this.issuer = null; this.profile = undefined; this.prefetched = false; this.built = false;
this.used = null; this.usedExports = null; this.optimizationBailout.length = 0; super.disconnect(); }
unseal() { this.id = null; this.index = null; this.index2 = null; this.depth = null; this._chunks.clear(); super.unseal(); }
setChunks(chunks) { this._chunks = new SortableSet(chunks, sortById); }
addChunk(chunk) { if (this._chunks.has(chunk)) return false; this._chunks.add(chunk); return true; }
removeChunk(chunk) { if (this._chunks.delete(chunk)) { chunk.removeModule(this); return true; } return false; }
isInChunk(chunk) { return this._chunks.has(chunk); }
isEntryModule() { for (const chunk of this._chunks) { if (chunk.entryModule === this) return true; } return false; }
get optional() { return ( this.reasons.length > 0 && this.reasons.every(r => r.dependency && r.dependency.optional) ); }
/** * @returns {Chunk[]} all chunks which contain the module */ getChunks() { return Array.from(this._chunks); }
getNumberOfChunks() { return this._chunks.size; }
get chunksIterable() { return this._chunks; }
hasEqualsChunks(otherModule) { if (this._chunks.size !== otherModule._chunks.size) return false; this._chunks.sortWith(sortByDebugId); otherModule._chunks.sortWith(sortByDebugId); const a = this._chunks[Symbol.iterator](); const b = otherModule._chunks[Symbol.iterator](); // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) { const aItem = a.next(); const bItem = b.next(); if (aItem.done) return true; if (aItem.value !== bItem.value) return false; } }
addReason(module, dependency, explanation) { this.reasons.push(new ModuleReason(module, dependency, explanation)); }
removeReason(module, dependency) { for (let i = 0; i < this.reasons.length; i++) { let r = this.reasons[i]; if (r.module === module && r.dependency === dependency) { this.reasons.splice(i, 1); return true; } } return false; }
hasReasonForChunk(chunk) { if (this._rewriteChunkInReasons) { for (const operation of this._rewriteChunkInReasons) { this._doRewriteChunkInReasons(operation.oldChunk, operation.newChunks); } this._rewriteChunkInReasons = undefined; } for (let i = 0; i < this.reasons.length; i++) { if (this.reasons[i].hasChunk(chunk)) return true; } return false; }
hasReasons() { return this.reasons.length > 0; }
rewriteChunkInReasons(oldChunk, newChunks) { // This is expensive. Delay operation until we really need the data
if (this._rewriteChunkInReasons === undefined) { this._rewriteChunkInReasons = []; } this._rewriteChunkInReasons.push({ oldChunk, newChunks }); }
_doRewriteChunkInReasons(oldChunk, newChunks) { for (let i = 0; i < this.reasons.length; i++) { this.reasons[i].rewriteChunks(oldChunk, newChunks); } }
/** * @param {string=} exportName the name of the export * @returns {boolean|string} false if the export isn't used, true if no exportName is provided and the module is used, or the name to access it if the export is used */ isUsed(exportName) { if (!exportName) return this.used !== false; if (this.used === null || this.usedExports === null) return exportName; if (!this.used) return false; if (!this.usedExports) return false; if (this.usedExports === true) return exportName; let idx = this.usedExports.indexOf(exportName); if (idx < 0) return false;
// Mangle export name if possible
if (this.isProvided(exportName)) { if (this.buildMeta.exportsType === "namespace") { return Template.numberToIdentifer(idx); } if ( this.buildMeta.exportsType === "named" && !this.usedExports.includes("default") ) { return Template.numberToIdentifer(idx); } } return exportName; }
isProvided(exportName) { if (!Array.isArray(this.buildMeta.providedExports)) return null; return this.buildMeta.providedExports.includes(exportName); }
toString() { return `Module[${this.id || this.debugId}]`; }
needRebuild(fileTimestamps, contextTimestamps) { return true; }
/** * @param {Hash} hash the hash used to track dependencies * @returns {void} */ updateHash(hash) { hash.update(`${this.id}`); hash.update(JSON.stringify(this.usedExports)); super.updateHash(hash); }
sortItems(sortChunks) { super.sortItems(); if (sortChunks) this._chunks.sort(); this.reasons.sort((a, b) => { if (a.module === b.module) return 0; if (!a.module) return -1; if (!b.module) return 1; return sortById(a.module, b.module); }); if (Array.isArray(this.usedExports)) { this.usedExports.sort(); } }
unbuild() { this.dependencies.length = 0; this.blocks.length = 0; this.variables.length = 0; this.buildMeta = undefined; this.buildInfo = undefined; this.disconnect(); }
get arguments() { throw new Error("Module.arguments was removed, there is no replacement."); }
set arguments(value) { throw new Error("Module.arguments was removed, there is no replacement."); } }
// TODO remove in webpack 5
Object.defineProperty(Module.prototype, "forEachChunk", { configurable: false, value: util.deprecate( /** * @deprecated * @param {function(any, any, Set<any>): void} fn callback function * @returns {void} * @this {Module} */ function(fn) { this._chunks.forEach(fn); }, "Module.forEachChunk: Use for(const chunk of module.chunksIterable) instead" ) });
// TODO remove in webpack 5
Object.defineProperty(Module.prototype, "mapChunks", { configurable: false, value: util.deprecate( /** * @deprecated * @param {function(any, any): void} fn Mapper function * @returns {Array<TODO>} Array of chunks mapped * @this {Module} */ function(fn) { return Array.from(this._chunks, fn); }, "Module.mapChunks: Use Array.from(module.chunksIterable, fn) instead" ) });
// TODO remove in webpack 5
Object.defineProperty(Module.prototype, "entry", { configurable: false, get() { throw new Error("Module.entry was removed. Use Chunk.entryModule"); }, set() { throw new Error("Module.entry was removed. Use Chunk.entryModule"); } });
// TODO remove in webpack 5
Object.defineProperty(Module.prototype, "meta", { configurable: false, get: util.deprecate( /** * @deprecated * @returns {void} * @this {Module} */ function() { return this.buildMeta; }, "Module.meta was renamed to Module.buildMeta" ), set: util.deprecate( /** * @deprecated * @param {TODO} value Value * @returns {void} * @this {Module} */ function(value) { this.buildMeta = value; }, "Module.meta was renamed to Module.buildMeta" ) });
/** @type {function(): string} */ Module.prototype.identifier = null;
/** @type {function(RequestShortener): string} */ Module.prototype.readableIdentifier = null;
Module.prototype.build = null; Module.prototype.source = null; Module.prototype.size = null; Module.prototype.nameForCondition = null; /** @type {null | function(Chunk): boolean} */ Module.prototype.chunkCondition = null; Module.prototype.updateCacheModule = null;
module.exports = Module;