/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict";
// Syntax: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/SpiderMonkey/Parser_API
const acorn = require("acorn"); const { Tapable, SyncBailHook, HookMap } = require("tapable"); const util = require("util"); const vm = require("vm"); const BasicEvaluatedExpression = require("./BasicEvaluatedExpression"); const StackedSetMap = require("./util/StackedSetMap");
const acornParser = acorn.Parser;
const joinRanges = (startRange, endRange) => { if (!endRange) return startRange; if (!startRange) return endRange; return [startRange[0], endRange[1]]; };
const defaultParserOptions = { ranges: true, locations: true, ecmaVersion: 11, sourceType: "module", onComment: null };
// regexp to match at least one "magic comment"
const webpackCommentRegExp = new RegExp(/(^|\W)webpack[A-Z]{1,}[A-Za-z]{1,}:/);
const EMPTY_COMMENT_OPTIONS = { options: null, errors: null };
class Parser extends Tapable { constructor(options, sourceType = "auto") { super(); this.hooks = { evaluateTypeof: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["expression"])), evaluate: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["expression"])), evaluateIdentifier: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["expression"])), evaluateDefinedIdentifier: new HookMap( () => new SyncBailHook(["expression"]) ), evaluateCallExpressionMember: new HookMap( () => new SyncBailHook(["expression", "param"]) ), statement: new SyncBailHook(["statement"]), statementIf: new SyncBailHook(["statement"]), label: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["statement"])), import: new SyncBailHook(["statement", "source"]), importSpecifier: new SyncBailHook([ "statement", "source", "exportName", "identifierName" ]), export: new SyncBailHook(["statement"]), exportImport: new SyncBailHook(["statement", "source"]), exportDeclaration: new SyncBailHook(["statement", "declaration"]), exportExpression: new SyncBailHook(["statement", "declaration"]), exportSpecifier: new SyncBailHook([ "statement", "identifierName", "exportName", "index" ]), exportImportSpecifier: new SyncBailHook([ "statement", "source", "identifierName", "exportName", "index" ]), varDeclaration: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["declaration"])), varDeclarationLet: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["declaration"])), varDeclarationConst: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["declaration"])), varDeclarationVar: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["declaration"])), canRename: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["initExpression"])), rename: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["initExpression"])), assigned: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["expression"])), assign: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["expression"])), typeof: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["expression"])), importCall: new SyncBailHook(["expression"]), call: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["expression"])), callAnyMember: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["expression"])), new: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["expression"])), expression: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["expression"])), expressionAnyMember: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["expression"])), expressionConditionalOperator: new SyncBailHook(["expression"]), expressionLogicalOperator: new SyncBailHook(["expression"]), program: new SyncBailHook(["ast", "comments"]) }; const HOOK_MAP_COMPAT_CONFIG = { evaluateTypeof: /^evaluate typeof (.+)$/, evaluateIdentifier: /^evaluate Identifier (.+)$/, evaluateDefinedIdentifier: /^evaluate defined Identifier (.+)$/, evaluateCallExpressionMember: /^evaluate CallExpression .(.+)$/, evaluate: /^evaluate (.+)$/, label: /^label (.+)$/, varDeclarationLet: /^var-let (.+)$/, varDeclarationConst: /^var-const (.+)$/, varDeclarationVar: /^var-var (.+)$/, varDeclaration: /^var (.+)$/, canRename: /^can-rename (.+)$/, rename: /^rename (.+)$/, typeof: /^typeof (.+)$/, assigned: /^assigned (.+)$/, assign: /^assign (.+)$/, callAnyMember: /^call (.+)\.\*$/, call: /^call (.+)$/, new: /^new (.+)$/, expressionConditionalOperator: /^expression \?:$/, expressionAnyMember: /^expression (.+)\.\*$/, expression: /^expression (.+)$/ }; this._pluginCompat.tap("Parser", options => { for (const name of Object.keys(HOOK_MAP_COMPAT_CONFIG)) { const regexp = HOOK_MAP_COMPAT_CONFIG[name]; const match = regexp.exec(options.name); if (match) { if (match[1]) { this.hooks[name].tap( match[1], options.fn.name || "unnamed compat plugin", options.fn.bind(this) ); } else { this.hooks[name].tap( options.fn.name || "unnamed compat plugin", options.fn.bind(this) ); } return true; } } }); this.options = options; this.sourceType = sourceType; this.scope = undefined; this.state = undefined; this.comments = undefined; this.initializeEvaluating(); }
initializeEvaluating() { this.hooks.evaluate.for("Literal").tap("Parser", expr => { switch (typeof expr.value) { case "number": return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setNumber(expr.value) .setRange(expr.range); case "string": return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setString(expr.value) .setRange(expr.range); case "boolean": return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setBoolean(expr.value) .setRange(expr.range); } if (expr.value === null) { return new BasicEvaluatedExpression().setNull().setRange(expr.range); } if (expr.value instanceof RegExp) { return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setRegExp(expr.value) .setRange(expr.range); } }); this.hooks.evaluate.for("LogicalExpression").tap("Parser", expr => { let left; let leftAsBool; let right; if (expr.operator === "&&") { left = this.evaluateExpression(expr.left); leftAsBool = left && left.asBool(); if (leftAsBool === false) return left.setRange(expr.range); if (leftAsBool !== true) return; right = this.evaluateExpression(expr.right); return right.setRange(expr.range); } else if (expr.operator === "||") { left = this.evaluateExpression(expr.left); leftAsBool = left && left.asBool(); if (leftAsBool === true) return left.setRange(expr.range); if (leftAsBool !== false) return; right = this.evaluateExpression(expr.right); return right.setRange(expr.range); } }); this.hooks.evaluate.for("BinaryExpression").tap("Parser", expr => { let left; let right; let res; if (expr.operator === "+") { left = this.evaluateExpression(expr.left); right = this.evaluateExpression(expr.right); if (!left || !right) return; res = new BasicEvaluatedExpression(); if (left.isString()) { if (right.isString()) { res.setString(left.string + right.string); } else if (right.isNumber()) { res.setString(left.string + right.number); } else if ( right.isWrapped() && right.prefix && right.prefix.isString() ) { // "left" + ("prefix" + inner + "postfix")
// => ("leftprefix" + inner + "postfix")
res.setWrapped( new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setString(left.string + right.prefix.string) .setRange(joinRanges(left.range, right.prefix.range)), right.postfix, right.wrappedInnerExpressions ); } else if (right.isWrapped()) { // "left" + ([null] + inner + "postfix")
// => ("left" + inner + "postfix")
res.setWrapped(left, right.postfix, right.wrappedInnerExpressions); } else { // "left" + expr
// => ("left" + expr + "")
res.setWrapped(left, null, [right]); } } else if (left.isNumber()) { if (right.isString()) { res.setString(left.number + right.string); } else if (right.isNumber()) { res.setNumber(left.number + right.number); } else { return; } } else if (left.isWrapped()) { if (left.postfix && left.postfix.isString() && right.isString()) { // ("prefix" + inner + "postfix") + "right"
// => ("prefix" + inner + "postfixright")
res.setWrapped( left.prefix, new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setString(left.postfix.string + right.string) .setRange(joinRanges(left.postfix.range, right.range)), left.wrappedInnerExpressions ); } else if ( left.postfix && left.postfix.isString() && right.isNumber() ) { // ("prefix" + inner + "postfix") + 123
// => ("prefix" + inner + "postfix123")
res.setWrapped( left.prefix, new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setString(left.postfix.string + right.number) .setRange(joinRanges(left.postfix.range, right.range)), left.wrappedInnerExpressions ); } else if (right.isString()) { // ("prefix" + inner + [null]) + "right"
// => ("prefix" + inner + "right")
res.setWrapped(left.prefix, right, left.wrappedInnerExpressions); } else if (right.isNumber()) { // ("prefix" + inner + [null]) + 123
// => ("prefix" + inner + "123")
res.setWrapped( left.prefix, new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setString(right.number + "") .setRange(right.range), left.wrappedInnerExpressions ); } else if (right.isWrapped()) { // ("prefix1" + inner1 + "postfix1") + ("prefix2" + inner2 + "postfix2")
// ("prefix1" + inner1 + "postfix1" + "prefix2" + inner2 + "postfix2")
res.setWrapped( left.prefix, right.postfix, left.wrappedInnerExpressions && right.wrappedInnerExpressions && left.wrappedInnerExpressions .concat(left.postfix ? [left.postfix] : []) .concat(right.prefix ? [right.prefix] : []) .concat(right.wrappedInnerExpressions) ); } else { // ("prefix" + inner + postfix) + expr
// => ("prefix" + inner + postfix + expr + [null])
res.setWrapped( left.prefix, null, left.wrappedInnerExpressions && left.wrappedInnerExpressions.concat( left.postfix ? [left.postfix, right] : [right] ) ); } } else { if (right.isString()) { // left + "right"
// => ([null] + left + "right")
res.setWrapped(null, right, [left]); } else if (right.isWrapped()) { // left + (prefix + inner + "postfix")
// => ([null] + left + prefix + inner + "postfix")
res.setWrapped( null, right.postfix, right.wrappedInnerExpressions && (right.prefix ? [left, right.prefix] : [left]).concat( right.wrappedInnerExpressions ) ); } else { return; } } res.setRange(expr.range); return res; } else if (expr.operator === "-") { left = this.evaluateExpression(expr.left); right = this.evaluateExpression(expr.right); if (!left || !right) return; if (!left.isNumber() || !right.isNumber()) return; res = new BasicEvaluatedExpression(); res.setNumber(left.number - right.number); res.setRange(expr.range); return res; } else if (expr.operator === "*") { left = this.evaluateExpression(expr.left); right = this.evaluateExpression(expr.right); if (!left || !right) return; if (!left.isNumber() || !right.isNumber()) return; res = new BasicEvaluatedExpression(); res.setNumber(left.number * right.number); res.setRange(expr.range); return res; } else if (expr.operator === "/") { left = this.evaluateExpression(expr.left); right = this.evaluateExpression(expr.right); if (!left || !right) return; if (!left.isNumber() || !right.isNumber()) return; res = new BasicEvaluatedExpression(); res.setNumber(left.number / right.number); res.setRange(expr.range); return res; } else if (expr.operator === "**") { left = this.evaluateExpression(expr.left); right = this.evaluateExpression(expr.right); if (!left || !right) return; if (!left.isNumber() || !right.isNumber()) return; res = new BasicEvaluatedExpression(); res.setNumber(Math.pow(left.number, right.number)); res.setRange(expr.range); return res; } else if (expr.operator === "==" || expr.operator === "===") { left = this.evaluateExpression(expr.left); right = this.evaluateExpression(expr.right); if (!left || !right) return; res = new BasicEvaluatedExpression(); res.setRange(expr.range); if (left.isString() && right.isString()) { return res.setBoolean(left.string === right.string); } else if (left.isNumber() && right.isNumber()) { return res.setBoolean(left.number === right.number); } else if (left.isBoolean() && right.isBoolean()) { return res.setBoolean(left.bool === right.bool); } } else if (expr.operator === "!=" || expr.operator === "!==") { left = this.evaluateExpression(expr.left); right = this.evaluateExpression(expr.right); if (!left || !right) return; res = new BasicEvaluatedExpression(); res.setRange(expr.range); if (left.isString() && right.isString()) { return res.setBoolean(left.string !== right.string); } else if (left.isNumber() && right.isNumber()) { return res.setBoolean(left.number !== right.number); } else if (left.isBoolean() && right.isBoolean()) { return res.setBoolean(left.bool !== right.bool); } } else if (expr.operator === "&") { left = this.evaluateExpression(expr.left); right = this.evaluateExpression(expr.right); if (!left || !right) return; if (!left.isNumber() || !right.isNumber()) return; res = new BasicEvaluatedExpression(); res.setNumber(left.number & right.number); res.setRange(expr.range); return res; } else if (expr.operator === "|") { left = this.evaluateExpression(expr.left); right = this.evaluateExpression(expr.right); if (!left || !right) return; if (!left.isNumber() || !right.isNumber()) return; res = new BasicEvaluatedExpression(); res.setNumber(left.number | right.number); res.setRange(expr.range); return res; } else if (expr.operator === "^") { left = this.evaluateExpression(expr.left); right = this.evaluateExpression(expr.right); if (!left || !right) return; if (!left.isNumber() || !right.isNumber()) return; res = new BasicEvaluatedExpression(); res.setNumber(left.number ^ right.number); res.setRange(expr.range); return res; } else if (expr.operator === ">>>") { left = this.evaluateExpression(expr.left); right = this.evaluateExpression(expr.right); if (!left || !right) return; if (!left.isNumber() || !right.isNumber()) return; res = new BasicEvaluatedExpression(); res.setNumber(left.number >>> right.number); res.setRange(expr.range); return res; } else if (expr.operator === ">>") { left = this.evaluateExpression(expr.left); right = this.evaluateExpression(expr.right); if (!left || !right) return; if (!left.isNumber() || !right.isNumber()) return; res = new BasicEvaluatedExpression(); res.setNumber(left.number >> right.number); res.setRange(expr.range); return res; } else if (expr.operator === "<<") { left = this.evaluateExpression(expr.left); right = this.evaluateExpression(expr.right); if (!left || !right) return; if (!left.isNumber() || !right.isNumber()) return; res = new BasicEvaluatedExpression(); res.setNumber(left.number << right.number); res.setRange(expr.range); return res; } }); this.hooks.evaluate.for("UnaryExpression").tap("Parser", expr => { if (expr.operator === "typeof") { let res; let name; if (expr.argument.type === "Identifier") { name = this.scope.renames.get(expr.argument.name) || expr.argument.name; if (!this.scope.definitions.has(name)) { const hook = this.hooks.evaluateTypeof.get(name); if (hook !== undefined) { res = hook.call(expr); if (res !== undefined) return res; } } } if (expr.argument.type === "MemberExpression") { const exprName = this.getNameForExpression(expr.argument); if (exprName && exprName.free) { const hook = this.hooks.evaluateTypeof.get(exprName.name); if (hook !== undefined) { res = hook.call(expr); if (res !== undefined) return res; } } } if (expr.argument.type === "FunctionExpression") { return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setString("function") .setRange(expr.range); } const arg = this.evaluateExpression(expr.argument); if (arg.isString() || arg.isWrapped()) { return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setString("string") .setRange(expr.range); } if (arg.isNumber()) { return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setString("number") .setRange(expr.range); } if (arg.isBoolean()) { return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setString("boolean") .setRange(expr.range); } if (arg.isArray() || arg.isConstArray() || arg.isRegExp()) { return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setString("object") .setRange(expr.range); } } else if (expr.operator === "!") { const argument = this.evaluateExpression(expr.argument); if (!argument) return; if (argument.isBoolean()) { return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setBoolean(!argument.bool) .setRange(expr.range); } if (argument.isTruthy()) { return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setBoolean(false) .setRange(expr.range); } if (argument.isFalsy()) { return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setBoolean(true) .setRange(expr.range); } if (argument.isString()) { return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setBoolean(!argument.string) .setRange(expr.range); } if (argument.isNumber()) { return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setBoolean(!argument.number) .setRange(expr.range); } } else if (expr.operator === "~") { const argument = this.evaluateExpression(expr.argument); if (!argument) return; if (!argument.isNumber()) return; const res = new BasicEvaluatedExpression(); res.setNumber(~argument.number); res.setRange(expr.range); return res; } }); this.hooks.evaluateTypeof.for("undefined").tap("Parser", expr => { return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setString("undefined") .setRange(expr.range); }); this.hooks.evaluate.for("Identifier").tap("Parser", expr => { const name = this.scope.renames.get(expr.name) || expr.name; if (!this.scope.definitions.has(expr.name)) { const hook = this.hooks.evaluateIdentifier.get(name); if (hook !== undefined) { const result = hook.call(expr); if (result) return result; } return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setIdentifier(name) .setRange(expr.range); } else { const hook = this.hooks.evaluateDefinedIdentifier.get(name); if (hook !== undefined) { return hook.call(expr); } } }); this.hooks.evaluate.for("ThisExpression").tap("Parser", expr => { const name = this.scope.renames.get("this"); if (name) { const hook = this.hooks.evaluateIdentifier.get(name); if (hook !== undefined) { const result = hook.call(expr); if (result) return result; } return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setIdentifier(name) .setRange(expr.range); } }); this.hooks.evaluate.for("MemberExpression").tap("Parser", expression => { let exprName = this.getNameForExpression(expression); if (exprName) { if (exprName.free) { const hook = this.hooks.evaluateIdentifier.get(exprName.name); if (hook !== undefined) { const result = hook.call(expression); if (result) return result; } return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setIdentifier(exprName.name) .setRange(expression.range); } else { const hook = this.hooks.evaluateDefinedIdentifier.get(exprName.name); if (hook !== undefined) { return hook.call(expression); } } } }); this.hooks.evaluate.for("CallExpression").tap("Parser", expr => { if (expr.callee.type !== "MemberExpression") return; if ( expr.callee.property.type !== (expr.callee.computed ? "Literal" : "Identifier") ) return; const param = this.evaluateExpression(expr.callee.object); if (!param) return; const property = expr.callee.property.name || expr.callee.property.value; const hook = this.hooks.evaluateCallExpressionMember.get(property); if (hook !== undefined) { return hook.call(expr, param); } }); this.hooks.evaluateCallExpressionMember .for("replace") .tap("Parser", (expr, param) => { if (!param.isString()) return; if (expr.arguments.length !== 2) return; let arg1 = this.evaluateExpression(expr.arguments[0]); let arg2 = this.evaluateExpression(expr.arguments[1]); if (!arg1.isString() && !arg1.isRegExp()) return; arg1 = arg1.regExp || arg1.string; if (!arg2.isString()) return; arg2 = arg2.string; return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setString(param.string.replace(arg1, arg2)) .setRange(expr.range); }); ["substr", "substring"].forEach(fn => { this.hooks.evaluateCallExpressionMember .for(fn) .tap("Parser", (expr, param) => { if (!param.isString()) return; let arg1; let result, str = param.string; switch (expr.arguments.length) { case 1: arg1 = this.evaluateExpression(expr.arguments[0]); if (!arg1.isNumber()) return; result = str[fn](arg1.number); break; case 2: { arg1 = this.evaluateExpression(expr.arguments[0]); const arg2 = this.evaluateExpression(expr.arguments[1]); if (!arg1.isNumber()) return; if (!arg2.isNumber()) return; result = str[fn](arg1.number, arg2.number); break; } default: return; } return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setString(result) .setRange(expr.range); }); });
/** * @param {string} kind "cooked" | "raw" * @param {TODO} templateLiteralExpr TemplateLiteral expr * @returns {{quasis: BasicEvaluatedExpression[], parts: BasicEvaluatedExpression[]}} Simplified template */ const getSimplifiedTemplateResult = (kind, templateLiteralExpr) => { const quasis = []; const parts = [];
for (let i = 0; i < templateLiteralExpr.quasis.length; i++) { const quasiExpr = templateLiteralExpr.quasis[i]; const quasi = quasiExpr.value[kind];
if (i > 0) { const prevExpr = parts[parts.length - 1]; const expr = this.evaluateExpression( templateLiteralExpr.expressions[i - 1] ); const exprAsString = expr.asString(); if (typeof exprAsString === "string") { // We can merge quasi + expr + quasi when expr
// is a const string
prevExpr.setString(prevExpr.string + exprAsString + quasi); prevExpr.setRange([prevExpr.range[0], quasiExpr.range[1]]); // We unset the expression as it doesn't match to a single expression
prevExpr.setExpression(undefined); continue; } parts.push(expr); }
const part = new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setString(quasi) .setRange(quasiExpr.range) .setExpression(quasiExpr); quasis.push(part); parts.push(part); } return { quasis, parts }; };
this.hooks.evaluate.for("TemplateLiteral").tap("Parser", node => { const { quasis, parts } = getSimplifiedTemplateResult("cooked", node); if (parts.length === 1) { return parts[0].setRange(node.range); } return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setTemplateString(quasis, parts, "cooked") .setRange(node.range); }); this.hooks.evaluate.for("TaggedTemplateExpression").tap("Parser", node => { if (this.evaluateExpression(node.tag).identifier !== "String.raw") return; const { quasis, parts } = getSimplifiedTemplateResult("raw", node.quasi); if (parts.length === 1) { return parts[0].setRange(node.range); } return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setTemplateString(quasis, parts, "raw") .setRange(node.range); });
this.hooks.evaluateCallExpressionMember .for("concat") .tap("Parser", (expr, param) => { if (!param.isString() && !param.isWrapped()) return;
let stringSuffix = null; let hasUnknownParams = false; for (let i = expr.arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const argExpr = this.evaluateExpression(expr.arguments[i]); if (!argExpr.isString() && !argExpr.isNumber()) { hasUnknownParams = true; break; }
const value = argExpr.isString() ? argExpr.string : "" + argExpr.number;
const newString = value + (stringSuffix ? stringSuffix.string : ""); const newRange = [ argExpr.range[0], (stringSuffix || argExpr).range[1] ]; stringSuffix = new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setString(newString) .setRange(newRange); }
if (hasUnknownParams) { const prefix = param.isString() ? param : param.prefix; return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setWrapped(prefix, stringSuffix) .setRange(expr.range); } else if (param.isWrapped()) { const postfix = stringSuffix || param.postfix; return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setWrapped(param.prefix, postfix) .setRange(expr.range); } else { const newString = param.string + (stringSuffix ? stringSuffix.string : ""); return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setString(newString) .setRange(expr.range); } }); this.hooks.evaluateCallExpressionMember .for("split") .tap("Parser", (expr, param) => { if (!param.isString()) return; if (expr.arguments.length !== 1) return; let result; const arg = this.evaluateExpression(expr.arguments[0]); if (arg.isString()) { result = param.string.split(arg.string); } else if (arg.isRegExp()) { result = param.string.split(arg.regExp); } else { return; } return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setArray(result) .setRange(expr.range); }); this.hooks.evaluate.for("ConditionalExpression").tap("Parser", expr => { const condition = this.evaluateExpression(expr.test); const conditionValue = condition.asBool(); let res; if (conditionValue === undefined) { const consequent = this.evaluateExpression(expr.consequent); const alternate = this.evaluateExpression(expr.alternate); if (!consequent || !alternate) return; res = new BasicEvaluatedExpression(); if (consequent.isConditional()) { res.setOptions(consequent.options); } else { res.setOptions([consequent]); } if (alternate.isConditional()) { res.addOptions(alternate.options); } else { res.addOptions([alternate]); } } else { res = this.evaluateExpression( conditionValue ? expr.consequent : expr.alternate ); } res.setRange(expr.range); return res; }); this.hooks.evaluate.for("ArrayExpression").tap("Parser", expr => { const items = expr.elements.map(element => { return element !== null && this.evaluateExpression(element); }); if (!items.every(Boolean)) return; return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setItems(items) .setRange(expr.range); }); }
getRenameIdentifier(expr) { const result = this.evaluateExpression(expr); if (result && result.isIdentifier()) { return result.identifier; } }
walkClass(classy) { if (classy.superClass) this.walkExpression(classy.superClass); if (classy.body && classy.body.type === "ClassBody") { const wasTopLevel = this.scope.topLevelScope; this.scope.topLevelScope = false; for (const methodDefinition of classy.body.body) { if (methodDefinition.type === "MethodDefinition") { this.walkMethodDefinition(methodDefinition); } } this.scope.topLevelScope = wasTopLevel; } }
walkMethodDefinition(methodDefinition) { if (methodDefinition.computed && methodDefinition.key) { this.walkExpression(methodDefinition.key); } if (methodDefinition.value) { this.walkExpression(methodDefinition.value); } }
// Prewalking iterates the scope for variable declarations
prewalkStatements(statements) { for (let index = 0, len = statements.length; index < len; index++) { const statement = statements[index]; this.prewalkStatement(statement); } }
// Block-Prewalking iterates the scope for block variable declarations
blockPrewalkStatements(statements) { for (let index = 0, len = statements.length; index < len; index++) { const statement = statements[index]; this.blockPrewalkStatement(statement); } }
// Walking iterates the statements and expressions and processes them
walkStatements(statements) { for (let index = 0, len = statements.length; index < len; index++) { const statement = statements[index]; this.walkStatement(statement); } }
prewalkStatement(statement) { switch (statement.type) { case "BlockStatement": this.prewalkBlockStatement(statement); break; case "DoWhileStatement": this.prewalkDoWhileStatement(statement); break; case "ExportAllDeclaration": this.prewalkExportAllDeclaration(statement); break; case "ExportDefaultDeclaration": this.prewalkExportDefaultDeclaration(statement); break; case "ExportNamedDeclaration": this.prewalkExportNamedDeclaration(statement); break; case "ForInStatement": this.prewalkForInStatement(statement); break; case "ForOfStatement": this.prewalkForOfStatement(statement); break; case "ForStatement": this.prewalkForStatement(statement); break; case "FunctionDeclaration": this.prewalkFunctionDeclaration(statement); break; case "IfStatement": this.prewalkIfStatement(statement); break; case "ImportDeclaration": this.prewalkImportDeclaration(statement); break; case "LabeledStatement": this.prewalkLabeledStatement(statement); break; case "SwitchStatement": this.prewalkSwitchStatement(statement); break; case "TryStatement": this.prewalkTryStatement(statement); break; case "VariableDeclaration": this.prewalkVariableDeclaration(statement); break; case "WhileStatement": this.prewalkWhileStatement(statement); break; case "WithStatement": this.prewalkWithStatement(statement); break; } }
blockPrewalkStatement(statement) { switch (statement.type) { case "VariableDeclaration": this.blockPrewalkVariableDeclaration(statement); break; case "ExportDefaultDeclaration": this.blockPrewalkExportDefaultDeclaration(statement); break; case "ExportNamedDeclaration": this.blockPrewalkExportNamedDeclaration(statement); break; case "ClassDeclaration": this.blockPrewalkClassDeclaration(statement); break; } }
walkStatement(statement) { if (this.hooks.statement.call(statement) !== undefined) return; switch (statement.type) { case "BlockStatement": this.walkBlockStatement(statement); break; case "ClassDeclaration": this.walkClassDeclaration(statement); break; case "DoWhileStatement": this.walkDoWhileStatement(statement); break; case "ExportDefaultDeclaration": this.walkExportDefaultDeclaration(statement); break; case "ExportNamedDeclaration": this.walkExportNamedDeclaration(statement); break; case "ExpressionStatement": this.walkExpressionStatement(statement); break; case "ForInStatement": this.walkForInStatement(statement); break; case "ForOfStatement": this.walkForOfStatement(statement); break; case "ForStatement": this.walkForStatement(statement); break; case "FunctionDeclaration": this.walkFunctionDeclaration(statement); break; case "IfStatement": this.walkIfStatement(statement); break; case "LabeledStatement": this.walkLabeledStatement(statement); break; case "ReturnStatement": this.walkReturnStatement(statement); break; case "SwitchStatement": this.walkSwitchStatement(statement); break; case "ThrowStatement": this.walkThrowStatement(statement); break; case "TryStatement": this.walkTryStatement(statement); break; case "VariableDeclaration": this.walkVariableDeclaration(statement); break; case "WhileStatement": this.walkWhileStatement(statement); break; case "WithStatement": this.walkWithStatement(statement); break; } }
// Real Statements
prewalkBlockStatement(statement) { this.prewalkStatements(statement.body); }
walkBlockStatement(statement) { this.inBlockScope(() => { const body = statement.body; this.blockPrewalkStatements(body); this.walkStatements(body); }); }
walkExpressionStatement(statement) { this.walkExpression(statement.expression); }
prewalkIfStatement(statement) { this.prewalkStatement(statement.consequent); if (statement.alternate) { this.prewalkStatement(statement.alternate); } }
walkIfStatement(statement) { const result = this.hooks.statementIf.call(statement); if (result === undefined) { this.walkExpression(statement.test); this.walkStatement(statement.consequent); if (statement.alternate) { this.walkStatement(statement.alternate); } } else { if (result) { this.walkStatement(statement.consequent); } else if (statement.alternate) { this.walkStatement(statement.alternate); } } }
prewalkLabeledStatement(statement) { this.prewalkStatement(statement.body); }
walkLabeledStatement(statement) { const hook = this.hooks.label.get(statement.label.name); if (hook !== undefined) { const result = hook.call(statement); if (result === true) return; } this.walkStatement(statement.body); }
prewalkWithStatement(statement) { this.prewalkStatement(statement.body); }
walkWithStatement(statement) { this.walkExpression(statement.object); this.walkStatement(statement.body); }
prewalkSwitchStatement(statement) { this.prewalkSwitchCases(statement.cases); }
walkSwitchStatement(statement) { this.walkExpression(statement.discriminant); this.walkSwitchCases(statement.cases); }
walkTerminatingStatement(statement) { if (statement.argument) this.walkExpression(statement.argument); }
walkReturnStatement(statement) { this.walkTerminatingStatement(statement); }
walkThrowStatement(statement) { this.walkTerminatingStatement(statement); }
prewalkTryStatement(statement) { this.prewalkStatement(statement.block); }
walkTryStatement(statement) { if (this.scope.inTry) { this.walkStatement(statement.block); } else { this.scope.inTry = true; this.walkStatement(statement.block); this.scope.inTry = false; } if (statement.handler) this.walkCatchClause(statement.handler); if (statement.finalizer) this.walkStatement(statement.finalizer); }
prewalkWhileStatement(statement) { this.prewalkStatement(statement.body); }
walkWhileStatement(statement) { this.walkExpression(statement.test); this.walkStatement(statement.body); }
prewalkDoWhileStatement(statement) { this.prewalkStatement(statement.body); }
walkDoWhileStatement(statement) { this.walkStatement(statement.body); this.walkExpression(statement.test); }
prewalkForStatement(statement) { if (statement.init) { if (statement.init.type === "VariableDeclaration") { this.prewalkStatement(statement.init); } } this.prewalkStatement(statement.body); }
walkForStatement(statement) { this.inBlockScope(() => { if (statement.init) { if (statement.init.type === "VariableDeclaration") { this.blockPrewalkVariableDeclaration(statement.init); this.walkStatement(statement.init); } else { this.walkExpression(statement.init); } } if (statement.test) { this.walkExpression(statement.test); } if (statement.update) { this.walkExpression(statement.update); } const body = statement.body; if (body.type === "BlockStatement") { // no need to add additional scope
this.blockPrewalkStatements(body.body); this.walkStatements(body.body); } else { this.walkStatement(body); } }); }
prewalkForInStatement(statement) { if (statement.left.type === "VariableDeclaration") { this.prewalkVariableDeclaration(statement.left); } this.prewalkStatement(statement.body); }
walkForInStatement(statement) { this.inBlockScope(() => { if (statement.left.type === "VariableDeclaration") { this.blockPrewalkVariableDeclaration(statement.left); this.walkVariableDeclaration(statement.left); } else { this.walkPattern(statement.left); } this.walkExpression(statement.right); const body = statement.body; if (body.type === "BlockStatement") { // no need to add additional scope
this.blockPrewalkStatements(body.body); this.walkStatements(body.body); } else { this.walkStatement(body); } }); }
prewalkForOfStatement(statement) { if (statement.left.type === "VariableDeclaration") { this.prewalkVariableDeclaration(statement.left); } this.prewalkStatement(statement.body); }
walkForOfStatement(statement) { this.inBlockScope(() => { if (statement.left.type === "VariableDeclaration") { this.blockPrewalkVariableDeclaration(statement.left); this.walkVariableDeclaration(statement.left); } else { this.walkPattern(statement.left); } this.walkExpression(statement.right); const body = statement.body; if (body.type === "BlockStatement") { // no need to add additional scope
this.blockPrewalkStatements(body.body); this.walkStatements(body.body); } else { this.walkStatement(body); } }); }
// Declarations
prewalkFunctionDeclaration(statement) { if (statement.id) { this.scope.renames.set(statement.id.name, null); this.scope.definitions.add(statement.id.name); } }
walkFunctionDeclaration(statement) { const wasTopLevel = this.scope.topLevelScope; this.scope.topLevelScope = false; this.inFunctionScope(true, statement.params, () => { for (const param of statement.params) { this.walkPattern(param); } if (statement.body.type === "BlockStatement") { this.detectMode(statement.body.body); this.prewalkStatement(statement.body); this.walkStatement(statement.body); } else { this.walkExpression(statement.body); } }); this.scope.topLevelScope = wasTopLevel; }
prewalkImportDeclaration(statement) { const source = statement.source.value; this.hooks.import.call(statement, source); for (const specifier of statement.specifiers) { const name = specifier.local.name; this.scope.renames.set(name, null); this.scope.definitions.add(name); switch (specifier.type) { case "ImportDefaultSpecifier": this.hooks.importSpecifier.call(statement, source, "default", name); break; case "ImportSpecifier": this.hooks.importSpecifier.call( statement, source, specifier.imported.name, name ); break; case "ImportNamespaceSpecifier": this.hooks.importSpecifier.call(statement, source, null, name); break; } } }
enterDeclaration(declaration, onIdent) { switch (declaration.type) { case "VariableDeclaration": for (const declarator of declaration.declarations) { switch (declarator.type) { case "VariableDeclarator": { this.enterPattern(declarator.id, onIdent); break; } } } break; case "FunctionDeclaration": this.enterPattern(declaration.id, onIdent); break; case "ClassDeclaration": this.enterPattern(declaration.id, onIdent); break; } }
blockPrewalkExportNamedDeclaration(statement) { if (statement.declaration) { this.blockPrewalkStatement(statement.declaration); } }
prewalkExportNamedDeclaration(statement) { let source; if (statement.source) { source = statement.source.value; this.hooks.exportImport.call(statement, source); } else { this.hooks.export.call(statement); } if (statement.declaration) { if ( !this.hooks.exportDeclaration.call(statement, statement.declaration) ) { this.prewalkStatement(statement.declaration); let index = 0; this.enterDeclaration(statement.declaration, def => { this.hooks.exportSpecifier.call(statement, def, def, index++); }); } } if (statement.specifiers) { for ( let specifierIndex = 0; specifierIndex < statement.specifiers.length; specifierIndex++ ) { const specifier = statement.specifiers[specifierIndex]; switch (specifier.type) { case "ExportSpecifier": { const name = specifier.exported.name; if (source) { this.hooks.exportImportSpecifier.call( statement, source, specifier.local.name, name, specifierIndex ); } else { this.hooks.exportSpecifier.call( statement, specifier.local.name, name, specifierIndex ); } break; } } } } }
walkExportNamedDeclaration(statement) { if (statement.declaration) { this.walkStatement(statement.declaration); } }
blockPrewalkExportDefaultDeclaration(statement) { if (statement.declaration.type === "ClassDeclaration") { this.blockPrewalkClassDeclaration(statement.declaration); } }
prewalkExportDefaultDeclaration(statement) { this.prewalkStatement(statement.declaration); if ( statement.declaration.id && statement.declaration.type !== "FunctionExpression" && statement.declaration.type !== "ClassExpression" ) { this.hooks.exportSpecifier.call( statement, statement.declaration.id.name, "default" ); } }
walkExportDefaultDeclaration(statement) { this.hooks.export.call(statement); if ( statement.declaration.id && statement.declaration.type !== "FunctionExpression" && statement.declaration.type !== "ClassExpression" ) { if ( !this.hooks.exportDeclaration.call(statement, statement.declaration) ) { this.walkStatement(statement.declaration); } } else { // Acorn parses `export default function() {}` as `FunctionDeclaration` and
// `export default class {}` as `ClassDeclaration`, both with `id = null`.
// These nodes must be treated as expressions.
if (statement.declaration.type === "FunctionDeclaration") { this.walkFunctionDeclaration(statement.declaration); } else if (statement.declaration.type === "ClassDeclaration") { this.walkClassDeclaration(statement.declaration); } else { this.walkExpression(statement.declaration); } if (!this.hooks.exportExpression.call(statement, statement.declaration)) { this.hooks.exportSpecifier.call( statement, statement.declaration, "default" ); } } }
prewalkExportAllDeclaration(statement) { const source = statement.source.value; this.hooks.exportImport.call(statement, source); this.hooks.exportImportSpecifier.call(statement, source, null, null, 0); }
prewalkVariableDeclaration(statement) { if (statement.kind !== "var") return; this._prewalkVariableDeclaration(statement, this.hooks.varDeclarationVar); }
blockPrewalkVariableDeclaration(statement) { if (statement.kind === "var") return; const hookMap = statement.kind === "const" ? this.hooks.varDeclarationConst : this.hooks.varDeclarationLet; this._prewalkVariableDeclaration(statement, hookMap); }
_prewalkVariableDeclaration(statement, hookMap) { for (const declarator of statement.declarations) { switch (declarator.type) { case "VariableDeclarator": { this.enterPattern(declarator.id, (name, decl) => { let hook = hookMap.get(name); if (hook === undefined || !hook.call(decl)) { hook = this.hooks.varDeclaration.get(name); if (hook === undefined || !hook.call(decl)) { this.scope.renames.set(name, null); this.scope.definitions.add(name); } } }); break; } } } }
walkVariableDeclaration(statement) { for (const declarator of statement.declarations) { switch (declarator.type) { case "VariableDeclarator": { const renameIdentifier = declarator.init && this.getRenameIdentifier(declarator.init); if (renameIdentifier && declarator.id.type === "Identifier") { const hook = this.hooks.canRename.get(renameIdentifier); if (hook !== undefined && hook.call(declarator.init)) { // renaming with "var a = b;"
const hook = this.hooks.rename.get(renameIdentifier); if (hook === undefined || !hook.call(declarator.init)) { this.scope.renames.set( declarator.id.name, this.scope.renames.get(renameIdentifier) || renameIdentifier ); this.scope.definitions.delete(declarator.id.name); } break; } } this.walkPattern(declarator.id); if (declarator.init) this.walkExpression(declarator.init); break; } } } }
blockPrewalkClassDeclaration(statement) { if (statement.id) { this.scope.renames.set(statement.id.name, null); this.scope.definitions.add(statement.id.name); } }
walkClassDeclaration(statement) { this.walkClass(statement); }
prewalkSwitchCases(switchCases) { for (let index = 0, len = switchCases.length; index < len; index++) { const switchCase = switchCases[index]; this.prewalkStatements(switchCase.consequent); } }
walkSwitchCases(switchCases) { for (let index = 0, len = switchCases.length; index < len; index++) { const switchCase = switchCases[index];
if (switchCase.test) { this.walkExpression(switchCase.test); } this.walkStatements(switchCase.consequent); } }
walkCatchClause(catchClause) { this.inBlockScope(() => { // Error binding is optional in catch clause since ECMAScript 2019
if (catchClause.param !== null) { this.enterPattern(catchClause.param, ident => { this.scope.renames.set(ident, null); this.scope.definitions.add(ident); }); this.walkPattern(catchClause.param); } this.prewalkStatement(catchClause.body); this.walkStatement(catchClause.body); }); }
walkPattern(pattern) { switch (pattern.type) { case "ArrayPattern": this.walkArrayPattern(pattern); break; case "AssignmentPattern": this.walkAssignmentPattern(pattern); break; case "MemberExpression": this.walkMemberExpression(pattern); break; case "ObjectPattern": this.walkObjectPattern(pattern); break; case "RestElement": this.walkRestElement(pattern); break; } }
walkAssignmentPattern(pattern) { this.walkExpression(pattern.right); this.walkPattern(pattern.left); }
walkObjectPattern(pattern) { for (let i = 0, len = pattern.properties.length; i < len; i++) { const prop = pattern.properties[i]; if (prop) { if (prop.computed) this.walkExpression(prop.key); if (prop.value) this.walkPattern(prop.value); } } }
walkArrayPattern(pattern) { for (let i = 0, len = pattern.elements.length; i < len; i++) { const element = pattern.elements[i]; if (element) this.walkPattern(element); } }
walkRestElement(pattern) { this.walkPattern(pattern.argument); }
walkExpressions(expressions) { for (const expression of expressions) { if (expression) { this.walkExpression(expression); } } }
walkExpression(expression) { switch (expression.type) { case "ArrayExpression": this.walkArrayExpression(expression); break; case "ArrowFunctionExpression": this.walkArrowFunctionExpression(expression); break; case "AssignmentExpression": this.walkAssignmentExpression(expression); break; case "AwaitExpression": this.walkAwaitExpression(expression); break; case "BinaryExpression": this.walkBinaryExpression(expression); break; case "CallExpression": this.walkCallExpression(expression); break; case "ClassExpression": this.walkClassExpression(expression); break; case "ConditionalExpression": this.walkConditionalExpression(expression); break; case "FunctionExpression": this.walkFunctionExpression(expression); break; case "Identifier": this.walkIdentifier(expression); break; case "LogicalExpression": this.walkLogicalExpression(expression); break; case "MemberExpression": this.walkMemberExpression(expression); break; case "NewExpression": this.walkNewExpression(expression); break; case "ObjectExpression": this.walkObjectExpression(expression); break; case "SequenceExpression": this.walkSequenceExpression(expression); break; case "SpreadElement": this.walkSpreadElement(expression); break; case "TaggedTemplateExpression": this.walkTaggedTemplateExpression(expression); break; case "TemplateLiteral": this.walkTemplateLiteral(expression); break; case "ThisExpression": this.walkThisExpression(expression); break; case "UnaryExpression": this.walkUnaryExpression(expression); break; case "UpdateExpression": this.walkUpdateExpression(expression); break; case "YieldExpression": this.walkYieldExpression(expression); break; } }
walkAwaitExpression(expression) { this.walkExpression(expression.argument); }
walkArrayExpression(expression) { if (expression.elements) { this.walkExpressions(expression.elements); } }
walkSpreadElement(expression) { if (expression.argument) { this.walkExpression(expression.argument); } }
walkObjectExpression(expression) { for ( let propIndex = 0, len = expression.properties.length; propIndex < len; propIndex++ ) { const prop = expression.properties[propIndex]; if (prop.type === "SpreadElement") { this.walkExpression(prop.argument); continue; } if (prop.computed) { this.walkExpression(prop.key); } if (prop.shorthand) { this.scope.inShorthand = true; } this.walkExpression(prop.value); if (prop.shorthand) { this.scope.inShorthand = false; } } }
walkFunctionExpression(expression) { const wasTopLevel = this.scope.topLevelScope; this.scope.topLevelScope = false; const scopeParams = expression.params;
// Add function name in scope for recursive calls
if (expression.id) { scopeParams.push(expression.id.name); }
this.inFunctionScope(true, scopeParams, () => { for (const param of expression.params) { this.walkPattern(param); } if (expression.body.type === "BlockStatement") { this.detectMode(expression.body.body); this.prewalkStatement(expression.body); this.walkStatement(expression.body); } else { this.walkExpression(expression.body); } }); this.scope.topLevelScope = wasTopLevel; }
walkArrowFunctionExpression(expression) { this.inFunctionScope(false, expression.params, () => { for (const param of expression.params) { this.walkPattern(param); } if (expression.body.type === "BlockStatement") { this.detectMode(expression.body.body); this.prewalkStatement(expression.body); this.walkStatement(expression.body); } else { this.walkExpression(expression.body); } }); }
walkSequenceExpression(expression) { if (expression.expressions) this.walkExpressions(expression.expressions); }
walkUpdateExpression(expression) { this.walkExpression(expression.argument); }
walkUnaryExpression(expression) { if (expression.operator === "typeof") { const exprName = this.getNameForExpression(expression.argument); if (exprName && exprName.free) { const hook = this.hooks.typeof.get(exprName.name); if (hook !== undefined) { const result = hook.call(expression); if (result === true) return; } } } this.walkExpression(expression.argument); }
walkLeftRightExpression(expression) { this.walkExpression(expression.left); this.walkExpression(expression.right); }
walkBinaryExpression(expression) { this.walkLeftRightExpression(expression); }
walkLogicalExpression(expression) { const result = this.hooks.expressionLogicalOperator.call(expression); if (result === undefined) { this.walkLeftRightExpression(expression); } else { if (result) { this.walkExpression(expression.right); } } }
walkAssignmentExpression(expression) { const renameIdentifier = this.getRenameIdentifier(expression.right); if (expression.left.type === "Identifier" && renameIdentifier) { const hook = this.hooks.canRename.get(renameIdentifier); if (hook !== undefined && hook.call(expression.right)) { // renaming "a = b;"
const hook = this.hooks.rename.get(renameIdentifier); if (hook === undefined || !hook.call(expression.right)) { this.scope.renames.set(expression.left.name, renameIdentifier); this.scope.definitions.delete(expression.left.name); } return; } } if (expression.left.type === "Identifier") { const assignedHook = this.hooks.assigned.get(expression.left.name); if (assignedHook === undefined || !assignedHook.call(expression)) { this.walkExpression(expression.right); } this.scope.renames.set(expression.left.name, null); const assignHook = this.hooks.assign.get(expression.left.name); if (assignHook === undefined || !assignHook.call(expression)) { this.walkExpression(expression.left); } return; } this.walkExpression(expression.right); this.walkPattern(expression.left); this.enterPattern(expression.left, (name, decl) => { this.scope.renames.set(name, null); }); }
walkConditionalExpression(expression) { const result = this.hooks.expressionConditionalOperator.call(expression); if (result === undefined) { this.walkExpression(expression.test); this.walkExpression(expression.consequent); if (expression.alternate) { this.walkExpression(expression.alternate); } } else { if (result) { this.walkExpression(expression.consequent); } else if (expression.alternate) { this.walkExpression(expression.alternate); } } }
walkNewExpression(expression) { const callee = this.evaluateExpression(expression.callee); if (callee.isIdentifier()) { const hook = this.hooks.new.get(callee.identifier); if (hook !== undefined) { const result = hook.call(expression); if (result === true) { return; } } }
this.walkExpression(expression.callee); if (expression.arguments) { this.walkExpressions(expression.arguments); } }
walkYieldExpression(expression) { if (expression.argument) { this.walkExpression(expression.argument); } }
walkTemplateLiteral(expression) { if (expression.expressions) { this.walkExpressions(expression.expressions); } }
walkTaggedTemplateExpression(expression) { if (expression.tag) { this.walkExpression(expression.tag); } if (expression.quasi && expression.quasi.expressions) { this.walkExpressions(expression.quasi.expressions); } }
walkClassExpression(expression) { this.walkClass(expression); }
_walkIIFE(functionExpression, options, currentThis) { const renameArgOrThis = argOrThis => { const renameIdentifier = this.getRenameIdentifier(argOrThis); if (renameIdentifier) { const hook = this.hooks.canRename.get(renameIdentifier); if (hook !== undefined && hook.call(argOrThis)) { const hook = this.hooks.rename.get(renameIdentifier); if (hook === undefined || !hook.call(argOrThis)) { return renameIdentifier; } } } this.walkExpression(argOrThis); }; const params = functionExpression.params; const renameThis = currentThis ? renameArgOrThis(currentThis) : null; const args = options.map(renameArgOrThis); const wasTopLevel = this.scope.topLevelScope; this.scope.topLevelScope = false; const scopeParams = params.filter((identifier, idx) => !args[idx]);
// Add function name in scope for recursive calls
if (functionExpression.id) { scopeParams.push(functionExpression.id.name); }
this.inFunctionScope(true, scopeParams, () => { if (renameThis) { this.scope.renames.set("this", renameThis); } for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { const param = args[i]; if (!param) continue; if (!params[i] || params[i].type !== "Identifier") continue; this.scope.renames.set(params[i].name, param); } if (functionExpression.body.type === "BlockStatement") { this.detectMode(functionExpression.body.body); this.prewalkStatement(functionExpression.body); this.walkStatement(functionExpression.body); } else { this.walkExpression(functionExpression.body); } }); this.scope.topLevelScope = wasTopLevel; }
walkCallExpression(expression) { if ( expression.callee.type === "MemberExpression" && expression.callee.object.type === "FunctionExpression" && !expression.callee.computed && (expression.callee.property.name === "call" || expression.callee.property.name === "bind") && expression.arguments.length > 0 ) { // (function(…) { }.call/bind(?, …))
this._walkIIFE( expression.callee.object, expression.arguments.slice(1), expression.arguments[0] ); } else if (expression.callee.type === "FunctionExpression") { // (function(…) { }(…))
this._walkIIFE(expression.callee, expression.arguments, null); } else if (expression.callee.type === "Import") { let result = this.hooks.importCall.call(expression); if (result === true) return;
if (expression.arguments) this.walkExpressions(expression.arguments); } else { const callee = this.evaluateExpression(expression.callee); if (callee.isIdentifier()) { const callHook = this.hooks.call.get(callee.identifier); if (callHook !== undefined) { let result = callHook.call(expression); if (result === true) return; } let identifier = callee.identifier.replace(/\.[^.]+$/, ""); if (identifier !== callee.identifier) { const callAnyHook = this.hooks.callAnyMember.get(identifier); if (callAnyHook !== undefined) { let result = callAnyHook.call(expression); if (result === true) return; } } }
if (expression.callee) this.walkExpression(expression.callee); if (expression.arguments) this.walkExpressions(expression.arguments); } }
walkMemberExpression(expression) { const exprName = this.getNameForExpression(expression); if (exprName && exprName.free) { const expressionHook = this.hooks.expression.get(exprName.name); if (expressionHook !== undefined) { const result = expressionHook.call(expression); if (result === true) return; } const expressionAnyMemberHook = this.hooks.expressionAnyMember.get( exprName.nameGeneral ); if (expressionAnyMemberHook !== undefined) { const result = expressionAnyMemberHook.call(expression); if (result === true) return; } } this.walkExpression(expression.object); if (expression.computed === true) this.walkExpression(expression.property); }
walkThisExpression(expression) { const expressionHook = this.hooks.expression.get("this"); if (expressionHook !== undefined) { expressionHook.call(expression); } }
walkIdentifier(expression) { if (!this.scope.definitions.has(expression.name)) { const hook = this.hooks.expression.get( this.scope.renames.get(expression.name) || expression.name ); if (hook !== undefined) { const result = hook.call(expression); if (result === true) return; } } }
/** * @deprecated * @param {any} params scope params * @param {function(): void} fn inner function * @returns {void} */ inScope(params, fn) { const oldScope = this.scope; this.scope = { topLevelScope: oldScope.topLevelScope, inTry: false, inShorthand: false, isStrict: oldScope.isStrict, isAsmJs: oldScope.isAsmJs, definitions: oldScope.definitions.createChild(), renames: oldScope.renames.createChild() };
this.scope.renames.set("this", null);
this.enterPatterns(params, ident => { this.scope.renames.set(ident, null); this.scope.definitions.add(ident); });
this.scope = oldScope; }
inFunctionScope(hasThis, params, fn) { const oldScope = this.scope; this.scope = { topLevelScope: oldScope.topLevelScope, inTry: false, inShorthand: false, isStrict: oldScope.isStrict, isAsmJs: oldScope.isAsmJs, definitions: oldScope.definitions.createChild(), renames: oldScope.renames.createChild() };
if (hasThis) { this.scope.renames.set("this", null); }
this.enterPatterns(params, ident => { this.scope.renames.set(ident, null); this.scope.definitions.add(ident); });
this.scope = oldScope; }
inBlockScope(fn) { const oldScope = this.scope; this.scope = { topLevelScope: oldScope.topLevelScope, inTry: oldScope.inTry, inShorthand: false, isStrict: oldScope.isStrict, isAsmJs: oldScope.isAsmJs, definitions: oldScope.definitions.createChild(), renames: oldScope.renames.createChild() };
this.scope = oldScope; }
// TODO webpack 5: remove this methods
// only for backward-compat
detectStrictMode(statements) { this.detectMode(statements); }
detectMode(statements) { const isLiteral = statements.length >= 1 && statements[0].type === "ExpressionStatement" && statements[0].expression.type === "Literal"; if (isLiteral && statements[0].expression.value === "use strict") { this.scope.isStrict = true; } if (isLiteral && statements[0].expression.value === "use asm") { this.scope.isAsmJs = true; } }
enterPatterns(patterns, onIdent) { for (const pattern of patterns) { if (typeof pattern !== "string") { this.enterPattern(pattern, onIdent); } else if (pattern) { onIdent(pattern); } } }
enterPattern(pattern, onIdent) { if (!pattern) return; switch (pattern.type) { case "ArrayPattern": this.enterArrayPattern(pattern, onIdent); break; case "AssignmentPattern": this.enterAssignmentPattern(pattern, onIdent); break; case "Identifier": this.enterIdentifier(pattern, onIdent); break; case "ObjectPattern": this.enterObjectPattern(pattern, onIdent); break; case "RestElement": this.enterRestElement(pattern, onIdent); break; case "Property": this.enterPattern(pattern.value, onIdent); break; } }
enterIdentifier(pattern, onIdent) { onIdent(pattern.name, pattern); }
enterObjectPattern(pattern, onIdent) { for ( let propIndex = 0, len = pattern.properties.length; propIndex < len; propIndex++ ) { const prop = pattern.properties[propIndex]; this.enterPattern(prop, onIdent); } }
enterArrayPattern(pattern, onIdent) { for ( let elementIndex = 0, len = pattern.elements.length; elementIndex < len; elementIndex++ ) { const element = pattern.elements[elementIndex]; this.enterPattern(element, onIdent); } }
enterRestElement(pattern, onIdent) { this.enterPattern(pattern.argument, onIdent); }
enterAssignmentPattern(pattern, onIdent) { this.enterPattern(pattern.left, onIdent); }
evaluateExpression(expression) { try { const hook = this.hooks.evaluate.get(expression.type); if (hook !== undefined) { const result = hook.call(expression); if (result !== undefined) { if (result) { result.setExpression(expression); } return result; } } } catch (e) { console.warn(e); // ignore error
} return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setRange(expression.range) .setExpression(expression); }
parseString(expression) { switch (expression.type) { case "BinaryExpression": if (expression.operator === "+") { return ( this.parseString(expression.left) + this.parseString(expression.right) ); } break; case "Literal": return expression.value + ""; } throw new Error( expression.type + " is not supported as parameter for require" ); }
parseCalculatedString(expression) { switch (expression.type) { case "BinaryExpression": if (expression.operator === "+") { const left = this.parseCalculatedString(expression.left); const right = this.parseCalculatedString(expression.right); if (left.code) { return { range: left.range, value: left.value, code: true, conditional: false }; } else if (right.code) { return { range: [ left.range[0], right.range ? right.range[1] : left.range[1] ], value: left.value + right.value, code: true, conditional: false }; } else { return { range: [left.range[0], right.range[1]], value: left.value + right.value, code: false, conditional: false }; } } break; case "ConditionalExpression": { const consequent = this.parseCalculatedString(expression.consequent); const alternate = this.parseCalculatedString(expression.alternate); const items = []; if (consequent.conditional) { items.push(...consequent.conditional); } else if (!consequent.code) { items.push(consequent); } else { break; } if (alternate.conditional) { items.push(...alternate.conditional); } else if (!alternate.code) { items.push(alternate); } else { break; } return { range: undefined, value: "", code: true, conditional: items }; } case "Literal": return { range: expression.range, value: expression.value + "", code: false, conditional: false }; } return { range: undefined, value: "", code: true, conditional: false }; }
parse(source, initialState) { let ast; let comments; if (typeof source === "object" && source !== null) { ast = source; comments = source.comments; } else { comments = []; ast = Parser.parse(source, { sourceType: this.sourceType, onComment: comments }); }
const oldScope = this.scope; const oldState = this.state; const oldComments = this.comments; this.scope = { topLevelScope: true, inTry: false, inShorthand: false, isStrict: false, isAsmJs: false, definitions: new StackedSetMap(), renames: new StackedSetMap() }; const state = (this.state = initialState || {}); this.comments = comments; if (this.hooks.program.call(ast, comments) === undefined) { this.detectMode(ast.body); this.prewalkStatements(ast.body); this.blockPrewalkStatements(ast.body); this.walkStatements(ast.body); } this.scope = oldScope; this.state = oldState; this.comments = oldComments; return state; }
evaluate(source) { const ast = Parser.parse("(" + source + ")", { sourceType: this.sourceType, locations: false }); // TODO(https://github.com/acornjs/acorn/issues/741)
// @ts-ignore
if (ast.body.length !== 1 || ast.body[0].type !== "ExpressionStatement") { throw new Error("evaluate: Source is not a expression"); } // TODO(https://github.com/acornjs/acorn/issues/741)
// @ts-ignore
return this.evaluateExpression(ast.body[0].expression); }
getComments(range) { return this.comments.filter( comment => comment.range[0] >= range[0] && comment.range[1] <= range[1] ); }
parseCommentOptions(range) { const comments = this.getComments(range); if (comments.length === 0) { return EMPTY_COMMENT_OPTIONS; } let options = {}; let errors = []; for (const comment of comments) { const { value } = comment; if (value && webpackCommentRegExp.test(value)) { // try compile only if webpack options comment is present
try { const val = vm.runInNewContext(`(function(){return {${value}};})()`); Object.assign(options, val); } catch (e) { e.comment = comment; errors.push(e); } } } return { options, errors }; }
getNameForExpression(expression) { let expr = expression; const exprName = []; while ( expr.type === "MemberExpression" && expr.property.type === (expr.computed ? "Literal" : "Identifier") ) { exprName.push(expr.computed ? expr.property.value : expr.property.name); expr = expr.object; } let free; if (expr.type === "Identifier") { free = !this.scope.definitions.has(expr.name); exprName.push(this.scope.renames.get(expr.name) || expr.name); } else if ( expr.type === "ThisExpression" && this.scope.renames.get("this") ) { free = true; exprName.push(this.scope.renames.get("this")); } else if (expr.type === "ThisExpression") { free = this.scope.topLevelScope; exprName.push("this"); } else { return null; } let prefix = ""; for (let i = exprName.length - 1; i >= 2; i--) { prefix += exprName[i] + "."; } if (exprName.length > 1) { prefix += exprName[1]; } const name = prefix ? prefix + "." + exprName[0] : exprName[0]; const nameGeneral = prefix; return { name, nameGeneral, free }; }
static parse(code, options) { const type = options ? options.sourceType : "module"; const parserOptions = Object.assign( Object.create(null), defaultParserOptions, options );
if (type === "auto") { parserOptions.sourceType = "module"; } else if (parserOptions.sourceType === "script") { parserOptions.allowReturnOutsideFunction = true; }
let ast; let error; let threw = false; try { ast = acornParser.parse(code, parserOptions); } catch (e) { error = e; threw = true; }
if (threw && type === "auto") { parserOptions.sourceType = "script"; parserOptions.allowReturnOutsideFunction = true; if (Array.isArray(parserOptions.onComment)) { parserOptions.onComment.length = 0; } try { ast = acornParser.parse(code, parserOptions); threw = false; } catch (e) { threw = true; } }
if (threw) { throw error; }
return ast; } }
// TODO remove in webpack 5
Object.defineProperty(Parser.prototype, "getCommentOptions", { configurable: false, value: util.deprecate( /** * @deprecated * @param {TODO} range Range * @returns {void} * @this {Parser} */ function(range) { return this.parseCommentOptions(range).options; }, "Parser.getCommentOptions: Use Parser.parseCommentOptions(range) instead" ) });
module.exports = Parser;