/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict";
const Template = require("./Template");
/** @typedef {import("./Module")} Module */
module.exports = class RuntimeTemplate { constructor(outputOptions, requestShortener) { this.outputOptions = outputOptions || {}; this.requestShortener = requestShortener; }
/** * Add a comment * @param {object} options Information content of the comment * @param {string=} options.request request string used originally * @param {string=} options.chunkName name of the chunk referenced * @param {string=} options.chunkReason reason information of the chunk * @param {string=} options.message additional message * @param {string=} options.exportName name of the export * @returns {string} comment */ comment({ request, chunkName, chunkReason, message, exportName }) { let content; if (this.outputOptions.pathinfo) { content = [message, request, chunkName, chunkReason] .filter(Boolean) .map(item => this.requestShortener.shorten(item)) .join(" | "); } else { content = [message, chunkName, chunkReason] .filter(Boolean) .map(item => this.requestShortener.shorten(item)) .join(" | "); } if (!content) return ""; if (this.outputOptions.pathinfo) { return Template.toComment(content) + " "; } else { return Template.toNormalComment(content) + " "; } }
throwMissingModuleErrorFunction({ request }) { const err = `Cannot find module '${request}'`; return `function webpackMissingModule() { var e = new Error(${JSON.stringify( err )}); e.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'; throw e; }`;
missingModule({ request }) { return `!(${this.throwMissingModuleErrorFunction({ request })}())`; }
missingModuleStatement({ request }) { return `${this.missingModule({ request })};\n`; }
missingModulePromise({ request }) { return `Promise.resolve().then(${this.throwMissingModuleErrorFunction({ request })})`;
moduleId({ module, request }) { if (!module) { return this.missingModule({ request }); } if (module.id === null) { throw new Error( `RuntimeTemplate.moduleId(): Module ${module.identifier()} has no id. This should not happen.` ); } return `${this.comment({ request })}${JSON.stringify(module.id)}`; }
moduleRaw({ module, request }) { if (!module) { return this.missingModule({ request }); } return `__webpack_require__(${this.moduleId({ module, request })})`; }
moduleExports({ module, request }) { return this.moduleRaw({ module, request }); }
moduleNamespace({ module, request, strict }) { if (!module) { return this.missingModule({ request }); } const moduleId = this.moduleId({ module, request }); const exportsType = module.buildMeta && module.buildMeta.exportsType; if (exportsType === "namespace") { const rawModule = this.moduleRaw({ module, request }); return rawModule; } else if (exportsType === "named") { return `__webpack_require__.t(${moduleId}, 3)`; } else if (strict) { return `__webpack_require__.t(${moduleId}, 1)`; } else { return `__webpack_require__.t(${moduleId}, 7)`; } }
moduleNamespacePromise({ block, module, request, message, strict, weak }) { if (!module) { return this.missingModulePromise({ request }); } if (module.id === null) { throw new Error( `RuntimeTemplate.moduleNamespacePromise(): Module ${module.identifier()} has no id. This should not happen.` ); } const promise = this.blockPromise({ block, message });
let getModuleFunction; let idExpr = JSON.stringify(module.id); const comment = this.comment({ request }); let header = ""; if (weak) { if (idExpr.length > 8) { // 'var x="nnnnnn";x,"+x+",x' vs '"nnnnnn",nnnnnn,"nnnnnn"'
header += `var id = ${idExpr}; `; idExpr = "id"; } header += `if(!__webpack_require__.m[${idExpr}]) { var e = new Error("Module '" + ${idExpr} + "' is not available (weak dependency)"); e.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'; throw e; } `; } const moduleId = this.moduleId({ module, request }); const exportsType = module.buildMeta && module.buildMeta.exportsType; if (exportsType === "namespace") { if (header) { const rawModule = this.moduleRaw({ module, request }); getModuleFunction = `function() { ${header}return ${rawModule}; }`; } else { getModuleFunction = `__webpack_require__.bind(null, ${comment}${idExpr})`; } } else if (exportsType === "named") { if (header) { getModuleFunction = `function() { ${header}return __webpack_require__.t(${moduleId}, 3); }`; } else { getModuleFunction = `__webpack_require__.t.bind(null, ${comment}${idExpr}, 3)`; } } else if (strict) { if (header) { getModuleFunction = `function() { ${header}return __webpack_require__.t(${moduleId}, 1); }`; } else { getModuleFunction = `__webpack_require__.t.bind(null, ${comment}${idExpr}, 1)`; } } else { if (header) { getModuleFunction = `function() { ${header}return __webpack_require__.t(${moduleId}, 7); }`; } else { getModuleFunction = `__webpack_require__.t.bind(null, ${comment}${idExpr}, 7)`; } }
return `${promise || "Promise.resolve()"}.then(${getModuleFunction})`; }
/** * * @param {Object} options options object * @param {boolean=} options.update whether a new variable should be created or the existing one updated * @param {Module} options.module the module * @param {string} options.request the request that should be printed as comment * @param {string} options.importVar name of the import variable * @param {Module} options.originModule module in which the statement is emitted * @returns {string} the import statement */ importStatement({ update, module, request, importVar, originModule }) { if (!module) { return this.missingModuleStatement({ request }); } const moduleId = this.moduleId({ module, request }); const optDeclaration = update ? "" : "var ";
const exportsType = module.buildMeta && module.buildMeta.exportsType; let content = `/* harmony import */ ${optDeclaration}${importVar} = __webpack_require__(${moduleId});\n`;
if (!exportsType && !originModule.buildMeta.strictHarmonyModule) { content += `/* harmony import */ ${optDeclaration}${importVar}_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(${importVar});\n`; } if (exportsType === "named") { if (Array.isArray(module.buildMeta.providedExports)) { content += `${optDeclaration}${importVar}_namespace = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.t(${moduleId}, 1);\n`; } else { content += `${optDeclaration}${importVar}_namespace = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.t(${moduleId});\n`; } } return content; }
exportFromImport({ module, request, exportName, originModule, asiSafe, isCall, callContext, importVar }) { if (!module) { return this.missingModule({ request }); } const exportsType = module.buildMeta && module.buildMeta.exportsType;
if (!exportsType) { if (exportName === "default") { if (!originModule.buildMeta.strictHarmonyModule) { if (isCall) { return `${importVar}_default()`; } else if (asiSafe) { return `(${importVar}_default())`; } else { return `${importVar}_default.a`; } } else { return importVar; } } else if (originModule.buildMeta.strictHarmonyModule) { if (exportName) { return "/* non-default import from non-esm module */undefined"; } else { return `/*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.t(${importVar})`; } } }
if (exportsType === "named") { if (exportName === "default") { return importVar; } else if (!exportName) { return `${importVar}_namespace`; } }
if (exportName) { const used = module.isUsed(exportName); if (!used) { const comment = Template.toNormalComment(`unused export ${exportName}`); return `${comment} undefined`; } const comment = used !== exportName ? Template.toNormalComment(exportName) + " " : ""; const access = `${importVar}[${comment}${JSON.stringify(used)}]`; if (isCall) { if (callContext === false && asiSafe) { return `(0,${access})`; } else if (callContext === false) { return `Object(${access})`; } } return access; } else { return importVar; } }
blockPromise({ block, message }) { if (!block || !block.chunkGroup || block.chunkGroup.chunks.length === 0) { const comment = this.comment({ message }); return `Promise.resolve(${comment.trim()})`; } const chunks = block.chunkGroup.chunks.filter( chunk => !chunk.hasRuntime() && chunk.id !== null ); const comment = this.comment({ message, chunkName: block.chunkName, chunkReason: block.chunkReason }); if (chunks.length === 1) { const chunkId = JSON.stringify(chunks[0].id); return `__webpack_require__.e(${comment}${chunkId})`; } else if (chunks.length > 0) { const requireChunkId = chunk => `__webpack_require__.e(${JSON.stringify(chunk.id)})`; return `Promise.all(${comment.trim()}[${chunks .map(requireChunkId) .join(", ")}])`;
} else { return `Promise.resolve(${comment.trim()})`; } }
onError() { return "__webpack_require__.oe"; }
defineEsModuleFlagStatement({ exportsArgument }) { return `__webpack_require__.r(${exportsArgument});\n`; } };