"use strict";
/* Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
*/ const { RawSource } = require('webpack-sources');
const { SingleEntryPlugin } = require('webpack');
const replaceAndUpdateSourceMap = require('workbox-build/build/lib/replace-and-update-source-map');
const stringify = require('fast-json-stable-stringify');
const upath = require('upath');
const validate = require('workbox-build/build/lib/validate-options');
const webpackInjectManifestSchema = require('workbox-build/build/options/schema/webpack-inject-manifest');
const getManifestEntriesFromCompilation = require('./lib/get-manifest-entries-from-compilation');
const getSourcemapAssetName = require('./lib/get-sourcemap-asset-name');
const relativeToOutputPath = require('./lib/relative-to-output-path'); // Used to keep track of swDest files written by *any* instance of this plugin.
// See https://github.com/GoogleChrome/workbox/issues/2181
const _generatedAssetNames = new Set(); /** * This class supports compiling a service worker file provided via `swSrc`, * and injecting into that service worker a list of URLs and revision * information for precaching based on the webpack asset pipeline. * * Use an instance of `InjectManifest` in the * [`plugins` array](https://webpack.js.org/concepts/plugins/#usage) of a
* webpack config. * * @memberof module:workbox-webpack-plugin */
class InjectManifest { // eslint-disable-next-line jsdoc/newline-after-description
/** * Creates an instance of InjectManifest. * * @param {Object} config The configuration to use. * * @param {string} config.swSrc An existing service worker file that will be * compiled and have a precache manifest injected into it. * * @param {Array<module:workbox-build.ManifestEntry>} [config.additionalManifestEntries] * A list of entries to be precached, in addition to any entries that are * generated as part of the build configuration. * * @param {Array<string>} [config.chunks] One or more chunk names whose corresponding * output files should be included in the precache manifest. * * @param {boolean} [config.compileSrc=true] When `true` (the default), the * `swSrc` file will be compiled by webpack. When `false`, compilation will * not occur (and `webpackCompilationPlugins` can't be used.) Set to `false` * if you want to inject the manifest into, e.g., a JSON file. * * @param {RegExp} [config.dontCacheBustURLsMatching] Assets that match this will be * assumed to be uniquely versioned via their URL, and exempted from the normal * HTTP cache-busting that's done when populating the precache. While not * required, it's recommended that if your existing build process already * inserts a `[hash]` value into each filename, you provide a RegExp that will * detect that, as it will reduce the bandwidth consumed when precaching. * * @param {Array<string|RegExp|Function>} [config.exclude=[/\.map$/, /^manifest.*\.js$]] * One or more specifiers used to exclude assets from the precache manifest. * This is interpreted following * [the same rules](https://webpack.js.org/configuration/module/#condition)
* as `webpack`'s standard `exclude` option. * * @param {Array<string>} [config.importScriptsViaChunks] One or more names of * webpack chunks. The content of those chunks will be included in the * generated service worker, via a call to `importScripts()`. * * @param {Array<string>} [config.excludeChunks] One or more chunk names whose * corresponding output files should be excluded from the precache manifest. * * @param {Array<string|RegExp|Function>} [config.include] * One or more specifiers used to include assets in the precache manifest. * This is interpreted following * [the same rules](https://webpack.js.org/configuration/module/#condition)
* as `webpack`'s standard `include` option. * * @param {string} [config.injectionPoint='self.__WB_MANIFEST'] The string to * find inside of the `swSrc` file. Once found, it will be replaced by the * generated precache manifest. * * @param {Array<module:workbox-build.ManifestTransform>} [config.manifestTransforms] * One or more functions which will be applied sequentially against the * generated manifest. If `modifyURLPrefix` or `dontCacheBustURLsMatching` are * also specified, their corresponding transformations will be applied first. * * @param {number} [config.maximumFileSizeToCacheInBytes=2097152] This value can be * used to determine the maximum size of files that will be precached. This * prevents you from inadvertently precaching very large files that might have * accidentally matched one of your patterns. * * @param {string} [config.mode] If set to 'production', then an optimized service * worker bundle that excludes debugging info will be produced. If not explicitly * configured here, the `mode` value configured in the current `webpack` * compilation will be used. * * @param {object<string, string>} [config.modifyURLPrefix] A mapping of prefixes * that, if present in an entry in the precache manifest, will be replaced with * the corresponding value. This can be used to, for example, remove or add a * path prefix from a manifest entry if your web hosting setup doesn't match * your local filesystem setup. As an alternative with more flexibility, you can * use the `manifestTransforms` option and provide a function that modifies the * entries in the manifest using whatever logic you provide. * * @param {string} [config.swDest] The asset name of the * service worker file that will be created by this plugin. If omitted, the * name will be based on the `swSrc` name. * * @param {Array<Object>} [config.webpackCompilationPlugins] Optional `webpack` * plugins that will be used when compiling the `swSrc` input file. */ constructor(config = {}) { this.config = config; this.alreadyCalled = false; } /** * @param {Object} [compiler] default compiler object passed from webpack * * @private */
propagateWebpackConfig(compiler) { // Because this.config is listed last, properties that are already set
// there take precedence over derived properties from the compiler.
this.config = Object.assign({ mode: compiler.mode }, this.config); } /** * @param {Object} [compiler] default compiler object passed from webpack * * @private */
apply(compiler) { this.propagateWebpackConfig(compiler); compiler.hooks.make.tapPromise(this.constructor.name, compilation => this.handleMake(compilation, compiler).catch(error => compilation.errors.push(error))); compiler.hooks.emit.tapPromise(this.constructor.name, compilation => this.handleEmit(compilation).catch(error => compilation.errors.push(error))); } /** * @param {Object} compilation The webpack compilation. * @param {Object} parentCompiler The webpack parent compiler. * * @private */
async performChildCompilation(compilation, parentCompiler) { const outputOptions = { path: parentCompiler.options.output.path, filename: this.config.swDest }; const childCompiler = compilation.createChildCompiler(this.constructor.name, outputOptions); childCompiler.context = parentCompiler.context; childCompiler.inputFileSystem = parentCompiler.inputFileSystem; childCompiler.outputFileSystem = parentCompiler.outputFileSystem;
if (Array.isArray(this.config.webpackCompilationPlugins)) { for (const plugin of this.config.webpackCompilationPlugins) { plugin.apply(childCompiler); } }
new SingleEntryPlugin(parentCompiler.context, this.config.swSrc, this.constructor.name).apply(childCompiler); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { childCompiler.runAsChild((error, entries, childCompilation) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { compilation.warnings = compilation.warnings.concat(childCompilation.warnings); compilation.errors = compilation.errors.concat(childCompilation.errors); resolve(); } }); }); } /** * @param {Object} compilation The webpack compilation. * @param {Object} parentCompiler The webpack parent compiler. * * @private */
addSrcToAssets(compilation, parentCompiler) { const source = parentCompiler.inputFileSystem.readFileSync(this.config.swSrc).toString(); compilation.assets[this.config.swDest] = new RawSource(source); } /** * @param {Object} compilation The webpack compilation. * @param {Object} parentCompiler The webpack parent compiler. * * @private */
async handleMake(compilation, parentCompiler) { try { this.config = validate(this.config, webpackInjectManifestSchema); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Please check your ${this.constructor.name} plugin ` + `configuration:\n${error.message}`); }
this.config.swDest = relativeToOutputPath(compilation, this.config.swDest);
if (this.config.compileSrc) { await this.performChildCompilation(compilation, parentCompiler); } else { this.addSrcToAssets(compilation, parentCompiler); } } /** * @param {Object} compilation The webpack compilation. * * @private */
async handleEmit(compilation) { // See https://github.com/GoogleChrome/workbox/issues/1790
if (this.alreadyCalled) { compilation.warnings.push(`${this.constructor.name} has been called ` + `multiple times, perhaps due to running webpack in --watch mode. The ` + `precache manifest generated after the first call may be inaccurate! ` + `Please see https://github.com/GoogleChrome/workbox/issues/1790 for ` + `more information.`); } else { this.alreadyCalled = true; }
const config = Object.assign({}, this.config); // Ensure that we don't precache any of the assets generated by *any*
// instance of this plugin.
config.exclude.push(({ asset }) => _generatedAssetNames.has(asset.name)); // See https://webpack.js.org/contribute/plugin-patterns/#monitoring-the-watch-graph
const absoluteSwSrc = upath.resolve(this.config.swSrc); compilation.fileDependencies.add(absoluteSwSrc); const swAsset = compilation.assets[config.swDest]; const initialSWAssetString = swAsset.source();
if (!initialSWAssetString.includes(config.injectionPoint)) { throw new Error(`Can't find ${config.injectionPoint} in your SW source.`); }
const manifestEntries = await getManifestEntriesFromCompilation(compilation, config); let manifestString = stringify(manifestEntries);
if (this.config.compileSrc) { // See https://github.com/GoogleChrome/workbox/issues/2263
manifestString = manifestString.replace(/"/g, `'`); }
const sourcemapAssetName = getSourcemapAssetName(compilation, initialSWAssetString, config.swDest);
if (sourcemapAssetName) { const sourcemapAsset = compilation.assets[sourcemapAssetName]; const { source, map } = await replaceAndUpdateSourceMap({ jsFilename: config.swDest, originalMap: JSON.parse(sourcemapAsset.source()), originalSource: initialSWAssetString, replaceString: manifestString, searchString: config.injectionPoint }); compilation.assets[sourcemapAssetName] = new RawSource(map); compilation.assets[config.swDest] = new RawSource(source); } else { // If there's no sourcemap associated with swDest, a simple string
// replacement will suffice.
compilation.assets[config.swDest] = new RawSource(initialSWAssetString.replace(config.injectionPoint, manifestString)); } }
module.exports = InjectManifest;