web 3d图形渲染器
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { CosmiconfigResult, ExplorerOptions, ExplorerOptionsSync, Cache, LoadedFileContent } from './types';
import { Loader } from './index';
declare class ExplorerBase<T extends ExplorerOptions | ExplorerOptionsSync> {
protected readonly loadCache?: Cache;
protected readonly searchCache?: Cache;
protected readonly config: T;
constructor(options: T);
clearLoadCache(): void;
clearSearchCache(): void;
clearCaches(): void;
private validateConfig;
protected shouldSearchStopWithResult(result: CosmiconfigResult): boolean;
protected nextDirectoryToSearch(currentDir: string, currentResult: CosmiconfigResult): string | null;
private loadPackageProp;
protected getLoaderEntryForFile(filepath: string): Loader;
protected loadedContentToCosmiconfigResult(filepath: string, loadedContent: LoadedFileContent): CosmiconfigResult;
protected validateFilePath(filepath: string): void;
declare function getExtensionDescription(filepath: string): string;
export { ExplorerBase, getExtensionDescription };
//# sourceMappingURL=ExplorerBase.d.ts.map