web 3d图形渲染器
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

205 lines
5.2 KiB

MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
"use strict";
const globToRegExp = require("./globToRegExp").globToRegExp;
function parseType(type) {
const items = type.split("+");
const t = items.shift();
return {
type: t === "*" ? null : t,
features: items
function isTypeMatched(baseType, testedType) {
if (typeof baseType === "string") baseType = parseType(baseType);
if (typeof testedType === "string") testedType = parseType(testedType);
if (testedType.type && testedType.type !== baseType.type) return false;
return testedType.features.every(requiredFeature => {
return baseType.features.indexOf(requiredFeature) >= 0;
function isResourceTypeMatched(baseType, testedType) {
baseType = baseType.split("/");
testedType = testedType.split("/");
if (baseType.length !== testedType.length) return false;
for (let i = 0; i < baseType.length; i++) {
if (!isTypeMatched(baseType[i], testedType[i])) return false;
return true;
function isResourceTypeSupported(context, type) {
return (
context.supportedResourceTypes &&
context.supportedResourceTypes.some(supportedType => {
return isResourceTypeMatched(supportedType, type);
function isEnvironment(context, env) {
return (
context.environments &&
context.environments.every(environment => {
return isTypeMatched(environment, env);
const globCache = {};
function getGlobRegExp(glob) {
const regExp = globCache[glob] || (globCache[glob] = globToRegExp(glob));
return regExp;
function matchGlob(glob, relativePath) {
const regExp = getGlobRegExp(glob);
return regExp.exec(relativePath);
function isGlobMatched(glob, relativePath) {
return !!matchGlob(glob, relativePath);
function isConditionMatched(context, condition) {
const items = condition.split("|");
return items.some(function testFn(item) {
item = item.trim();
const inverted = /^!/.test(item);
if (inverted) return !testFn(item.substr(1));
if (/^[a-z]+:/.test(item)) {
// match named condition
const match = /^([a-z]+):\s*/.exec(item);
const value = item.substr(match[0].length);
const name = match[1];
switch (name) {
case "referrer":
return isGlobMatched(value, context.referrer);
return false;
} else if (item.indexOf("/") >= 0) {
// match supported type
return isResourceTypeSupported(context, item);
} else {
// match environment
return isEnvironment(context, item);
function isKeyMatched(context, key) {
for (;;) {
const match = /^\[([^\]]+)\]\s*/.exec(key);
if (!match) return key;
key = key.substr(match[0].length);
const condition = match[1];
if (!isConditionMatched(context, condition)) {
return false;
function getField(context, configuration, field) {
let value;
Object.keys(configuration).forEach(key => {
const pureKey = isKeyMatched(context, key);
if (pureKey === field) {
value = configuration[key];
return value;
function getMain(context, configuration) {
return getField(context, configuration, "main");
function getExtensions(context, configuration) {
return getField(context, configuration, "extensions");
function matchModule(context, configuration, request) {
const modulesField = getField(context, configuration, "modules");
if (!modulesField) return request;
let newRequest = request;
const keys = Object.keys(modulesField);
let iteration = 0;
let match;
let index;
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const key = keys[i];
const pureKey = isKeyMatched(context, key);
match = matchGlob(pureKey, newRequest);
if (match) {
const value = modulesField[key];
if (typeof value !== "string") {
return value;
} else if (/^\(.+\)$/.test(pureKey)) {
newRequest = newRequest.replace(getGlobRegExp(pureKey), value);
} else {
index = 1;
newRequest = value.replace(/(\/?\*)?\*/g, replaceMatcher);
i = -1;
if (iteration++ > keys.length) {
throw new Error("Request '" + request + "' matches recursively");
return newRequest;
function replaceMatcher(find) {
switch (find) {
case "/**": {
const m = match[index++];
return m ? "/" + m : "";
case "**":
case "*":
return match[index++];
function matchType(context, configuration, relativePath) {
const typesField = getField(context, configuration, "types");
if (!typesField) return undefined;
let type;
Object.keys(typesField).forEach(key => {
const pureKey = isKeyMatched(context, key);
if (isGlobMatched(pureKey, relativePath)) {
const value = typesField[key];
if (!type && /\/\*$/.test(value))
throw new Error(
"value ('" +
value +
"') of key '" +
key +
"' contains '*', but there is no previous value defined"
type = value.replace(/\/\*$/, "/" + type);
return type;
exports.parseType = parseType;
exports.isTypeMatched = isTypeMatched;
exports.isResourceTypeSupported = isResourceTypeSupported;
exports.isEnvironment = isEnvironment;
exports.isGlobMatched = isGlobMatched;
exports.isConditionMatched = isConditionMatched;
exports.isKeyMatched = isKeyMatched;
exports.getField = getField;
exports.getMain = getMain;
exports.getExtensions = getExtensions;
exports.matchModule = matchModule;
exports.matchType = matchType;