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* @fileoverview Enforce event handler naming conventions in JSX
* @author Jake Marsh
'use strict';
const docsUrl = require('../util/docsUrl');
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rule Definition
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
module.exports = {
meta: {
docs: {
description: 'Enforce event handler naming conventions in JSX',
category: 'Stylistic Issues',
recommended: false,
url: docsUrl('jsx-handler-names')
messages: {
badHandlerName: 'Handler function for {{propKey}} prop key must be a camelCase name beginning with \'{{handlerPrefix}}\' only',
badPropKey: 'Prop key for {{propValue}} must begin with \'{{handlerPropPrefix}\''
schema: [{
anyOf: [
type: 'object',
properties: {
eventHandlerPrefix: {type: 'string'},
eventHandlerPropPrefix: {type: 'string'},
checkLocalVariables: {type: 'boolean'},
checkInlineFunction: {type: 'boolean'}
additionalProperties: false
}, {
type: 'object',
properties: {
eventHandlerPrefix: {type: 'string'},
eventHandlerPropPrefix: {
type: 'boolean',
enum: [false]
checkLocalVariables: {type: 'boolean'},
checkInlineFunction: {type: 'boolean'}
additionalProperties: false
}, {
type: 'object',
properties: {
eventHandlerPrefix: {
type: 'boolean',
enum: [false]
eventHandlerPropPrefix: {type: 'string'},
checkLocalVariables: {type: 'boolean'},
checkInlineFunction: {type: 'boolean'}
additionalProperties: false
}, {
type: 'object',
properties: {
checkLocalVariables: {type: 'boolean'}
additionalProperties: false
}, {
type: 'object',
properties: {
checkInlineFunction: {type: 'boolean'}
additionalProperties: false
create(context) {
function isPrefixDisabled(prefix) {
return prefix === false;
function isInlineHandler(node) {
return node.value.expression.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression';
const configuration = context.options[0] || {};
const eventHandlerPrefix = isPrefixDisabled(configuration.eventHandlerPrefix)
? null
: configuration.eventHandlerPrefix || 'handle';
const eventHandlerPropPrefix = isPrefixDisabled(configuration.eventHandlerPropPrefix)
? null
: configuration.eventHandlerPropPrefix || 'on';
const EVENT_HANDLER_REGEX = !eventHandlerPrefix
? null
: new RegExp(`^((props\\.${eventHandlerPropPrefix || ''})|((.*\\.)?${eventHandlerPrefix}))[0-9]*[A-Z].*$`);
const PROP_EVENT_HANDLER_REGEX = !eventHandlerPropPrefix
? null
: new RegExp(`^(${eventHandlerPropPrefix}[A-Z].*|ref)$`);
const checkLocal = !!configuration.checkLocalVariables;
const checkInlineFunction = !!configuration.checkInlineFunction;
return {
JSXAttribute(node) {
if (
|| !node.value.expression
|| (!checkInlineFunction && isInlineHandler(node))
|| (
&& (isInlineHandler(node)
? !node.value.expression.body.callee || !node.value.expression.body.callee.object
: !node.value.expression.object
) {
const propKey = typeof node.name === 'object' ? node.name.name : node.name;
const expression = node.value.expression;
const propValue = context.getSourceCode()
.getText(checkInlineFunction && isInlineHandler(node) ? expression.body.callee : expression)
.replace(/\s*/g, '')
.replace(/^this\.|.*::/, '');
if (propKey === 'ref') {
const propIsEventHandler = PROP_EVENT_HANDLER_REGEX && PROP_EVENT_HANDLER_REGEX.test(propKey);
const propFnIsNamedCorrectly = EVENT_HANDLER_REGEX && EVENT_HANDLER_REGEX.test(propValue);
if (
&& propFnIsNamedCorrectly !== null
&& !propFnIsNamedCorrectly
) {
messageId: 'badHandlerName',
data: {
handlerPrefix: eventHandlerPrefix
} else if (
&& propIsEventHandler !== null
&& !propIsEventHandler
) {
messageId: 'badPropKey',
data: {
handlerPropPrefix: eventHandlerPropPrefix