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{"version":3,"file":"","sources":["../_version.js","../lib/QueueStore.js","../lib/StorableRequest.js","../Queue.js","../BackgroundSyncPlugin.js"],"sourcesContent":["\"use strict\";\n// @ts-ignore\ntry {\n self['workbox:background-sync:5.1.4'] && _();\n}\ncatch (e) { }\n","/*\n Copyright 2018 Google LLC\n\n Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style\n license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at\n\n*/\nimport { assert } from 'workbox-core/_private/assert.js';\nimport { DBWrapper } from 'workbox-core/_private/DBWrapper.js';\nimport '../_version.js';\nconst DB_VERSION = 3;\nconst DB_NAME = 'workbox-background-sync';\nconst OBJECT_STORE_NAME = 'requests';\nconst INDEXED_PROP = 'queueName';\n/**\n * A class to manage storing requests from a Queue in IndexedDB,\n * indexed by their queue name for easier access.\n *\n * @private\n */\nexport class QueueStore {\n /**\n * Associates this instance with a Queue instance, so entries added can be\n * identified by their queue name.\n *\n * @param {string} queueName\n * @private\n */\n constructor(queueName) {\n this._queueName = queueName;\n this._db = new DBWrapper(DB_NAME, DB_VERSION, {\n onupgradeneeded: this._upgradeDb,\n });\n }\n /**\n * Append an entry last in the queue.\n *\n * @param {Object} entry\n * @param {Object} entry.requestData\n * @param {number} [entry.timestamp]\n * @param {Object} [entry.metadata]\n * @private\n */\n async pushEntry(entry) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n assert.isType(entry, 'object', {\n moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',\n className: 'QueueStore',\n funcName: 'pushEntry',\n paramName: 'entry',\n });\n assert.isType(entry.requestData, 'object', {\n moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',\n className: 'QueueStore',\n funcName: 'pushEntry',\n paramName: 'entry.requestData',\n });\n }\n // Don't specify an ID since one is automatically generated.\n delete;\n entry.queueName = this._queueName;\n await this._db.add(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, entry);\n }\n /**\n * Prepend an entry first in the queue.\n *\n * @param {Object} entry\n * @param {Object} entry.requestData\n * @param {number} [entry.timestamp]\n * @param {Object} [entry.metadata]\n * @private\n */\n async unshiftEntry(entry) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n assert.isType(entry, 'object', {\n moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',\n className: 'QueueStore',\n funcName: 'unshiftEntry',\n paramName: 'entry',\n });\n assert.isType(entry.requestData, 'object', {\n moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',\n className: 'QueueStore',\n funcName: 'unshiftEntry',\n paramName: 'entry.requestData',\n });\n }\n const [firstEntry] = await this._db.getAllMatching(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, {\n count: 1,\n });\n if (firstEntry) {\n // Pick an ID one less than the lowest ID in the object store.\n = - 1;\n }\n else {\n // Otherwise let the auto-incrementor assign the ID.\n delete;\n }\n entry.queueName = this._queueName;\n await this._db.add(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, entry);\n }\n /**\n * Removes and returns the last entry in the queue matching the `queueName`.\n *\n * @return {Promise<Object>}\n * @private\n */\n async popEntry() {\n return this._removeEntry({ direction: 'prev' });\n }\n /**\n * Removes and returns the first entry in the queue matching the `queueName`.\n *\n * @return {Promise<Object>}\n * @private\n */\n async shiftEntry() {\n return this._removeEntry({ direction: 'next' });\n }\n /**\n * Returns all entries in the store matching the `queueName`.\n *\n * @param {Object} options See {@link module:workbox-background-sync.Queue~getAll}\n * @return {Promise<Array<Object>>}\n * @private\n */\n async getAll() {\n return await this._db.getAllMatching(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, {\n index: INDEXED_PROP,\n query: IDBKeyRange.only(this._queueName),\n });\n }\n /**\n * Deletes the entry for the given ID.\n *\n * WARNING: this method does not ensure the deleted enry belongs to this\n * queue (i.e. matches the `queueName`). But this limitation is acceptable\n * as this class is not publicly exposed. An additional check would make\n * this method slower than it needs to be.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {number} id\n */\n async deleteEntry(id) {\n await this._db.delete(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, id);\n }\n /**\n * Removes and returns the first or last entry in the queue (based on the\n * `direction` argument) matching the `queueName`.\n *\n * @return {Promise<Object>}\n * @private\n */\n async _removeEntry({ direction }) {\n const [entry] = await this._db.getAllMatching(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, {\n direction,\n index: INDEXED_PROP,\n query: IDBKeyRange.only(this._queueName),\n count: 1,\n });\n if (entry) {\n await this.deleteEntry(;\n return entry;\n }\n }\n /**\n * Upgrades the database given an `upgradeneeded` event.\n *\n * @param {Event} event\n * @private\n */\n _upgradeDb(event) {\n const db =;\n if (event.oldVersion > 0 && event.oldVersion < DB_VERSION) {\n if (db.objectStoreNames.contains(OBJECT_STORE_NAME)) {\n db.deleteObjectStore(OBJECT_STORE_NAME);\n }\n }\n const objStore = db.createObjectStore(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, {\n autoIncrement: true,\n keyPath: 'id',\n });\n objStore.createIndex(INDEXED_PROP, INDEXED_PROP, { unique: false });\n }\n}\n","/*\n Copyright 2018 Google LLC\n\n Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style\n license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at\n\n*/\nimport { assert } from 'workbox-core/_private/assert.js';\nimport '../_version.js';\nconst serializableProperties = [\n 'method',\n 'referrer',\n 'referrerPolicy',\n 'mode',\n 'credentials',\n 'cache',\n 'redirect',\n 'integrity',\n 'keepalive',\n];\n/**\n * A class to make it easier to serialize and de-serialize requests so they\n * can be stored in IndexedDB.\n *\n * @private\n */\nclass StorableRequest {\n /**\n * Accepts an object of request data that can be used to construct a\n * `Request` but can also be stored in IndexedDB.\n *\n * @param {Object} requestData An object of request data that includes the\n * `url` plus any relevant properties of\n * [requestInit]{@link}.\n * @private\n */\n constructor(requestData) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n assert.isType(requestData, 'object', {\n moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',\n className: 'StorableRequest',\n funcName: 'constructor',\n paramName: 'requestData',\n });\n assert.isType(requestData.url, 'string', {\n moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',\n className: 'StorableRequest',\n funcName: 'constructor',\n paramName: 'requestData.url',\n });\n }\n // If the request's mode is `navigate`, convert it to `same-origin` since\n // navigation requests can't be constructed via script.\n if (requestData['mode'] === 'navigate') {\n requestData['mode'] = 'same-origin';\n }\n this._requestData = requestData;\n }\n /**\n * Converts a Request object to a plain object that can be structured\n * cloned or JSON-stringified.\n *\n * @param {Request} request\n * @return {Promise<StorableRequest>}\n *\n * @private\n */\n static async fromRequest(request) {\n const requestData = {\n url: request.url,\n headers: {},\n };\n // Set the body if present.\n if (request.method !== 'GET') {\n // Use ArrayBuffer to support non-text request bodies.\n // NOTE: we can't use Blobs becuse Safari doesn't support storing\n // Blobs in IndexedDB in some cases:\n //\n requestData.body = await request.clone().arrayBuffer();\n }\n // Convert the headers from an iterable to an object.\n for (const [key, value] of request.headers.entries()) {\n requestData.headers[key] = value;\n }\n // Add all other serializable request properties\n for (const prop of serializableProperties) {\n if (request[prop] !== undefined) {\n requestData[prop] = request[prop];\n }\n }\n return new StorableRequest(requestData);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a deep clone of the instances `_requestData` object.\n *\n * @return {Object}\n *\n * @private\n */\n toObject() {\n const requestData = Object.assign({}, this._requestData);\n requestData.headers = Object.assign({}, this._requestData.headers);\n if (requestData.body) {\n requestData.body = requestData.body.slice(0);\n }\n return requestData;\n }\n /**\n * Converts this instance to a Request.\n *\n * @return {Request}\n *\n * @private\n */\n toRequest() {\n return new Request(this._requestData.url, this._requestData);\n }\n /**\n * Creates and returns a deep clone of the instance.\n *\n * @return {StorableRequest}\n *\n * @private\n */\n clone() {\n return new StorableRequest(this.toObject());\n }\n}\nexport { StorableRequest };\n","/*\n Copyright 2018 Google LLC\n\n Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style\n license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at\n\n*/\nimport { WorkboxError } from 'workbox-core/_private/WorkboxError.js';\nimport { logger } from 'workbox-core/_private/logger.js';\nimport { assert } from 'workbox-core/_private/assert.js';\nimport { getFriendlyURL } from 'workbox-core/_private/getFriendlyURL.js';\nimport { QueueStore } from './lib/QueueStore.js';\nimport { StorableRequest } from './lib/StorableRequest.js';\nimport './_version.js';\nconst TAG_PREFIX = 'workbox-background-sync';\nconst MAX_RETENTION_TIME = 60 * 24 * 7; // 7 days in minutes\nconst queueNames = new Set();\n/**\n * Converts a QueueStore entry into the format exposed by Queue. This entails\n * converting the request data into a real request and omitting the `id` and\n * `queueName` properties.\n *\n * @param {Object} queueStoreEntry\n * @return {Object}\n * @private\n */\nconst convertEntry = (queueStoreEntry) => {\n const queueEntry = {\n request: new StorableRequest(queueStoreEntry.requestData).toRequest(),\n timestamp: queueStoreEntry.timestamp,\n };\n if (queueStoreEntry.metadata) {\n queueEntry.metadata = queueStoreEntry.metadata;\n }\n return queueEntry;\n};\n/**\n * A class to manage storing failed requests in IndexedDB and retrying them\n * later. All parts of the storing and replaying process are observable via\n * callbacks.\n *\n * @memberof module:workbox-background-sync\n */\nclass Queue {\n /**\n * Creates an instance of Queue with the given options\n *\n * @param {string} name The unique name for this queue. This name must be\n * unique as it's used to register sync events and store requests\n * in IndexedDB specific to this instance. An error will be thrown if\n * a duplicate name is detected.\n * @param {Object} [options]\n * @param {Function} [options.onSync] A function that gets invoked whenever\n * the 'sync' event fires. The function is invoked with an object\n * containing the `queue` property (referencing this instance), and you\n * can use the callback to customize the replay behavior of the queue.\n * When not set the `replayRequests()` method is called.\n * Note: if the replay fails after a sync event, make sure you throw an\n * error, so the browser knows to retry the sync event later.\n * @param {number} [options.maxRetentionTime=7 days] The amount of time (in\n * minutes) a request may be retried. After this amount of time has\n * passed, the request will be deleted from the queue.\n */\n constructor(name, { onSync, maxRetentionTime } = {}) {\n this._syncInProgress = false;\n this._requestsAddedDuringSync = false;\n // Ensure the store name is not already being used\n if (queueNames.has(name)) {\n throw new WorkboxError('duplicate-queue-name', { name });\n }\n else {\n queueNames.add(name);\n }\n this._name = name;\n this._onSync = onSync || this.replayRequests;\n this._maxRetentionTime = maxRetentionTime || MAX_RETENTION_TIME;\n this._queueStore = new QueueStore(this._name);\n this._addSyncListener();\n }\n /**\n * @return {string}\n */\n get name() {\n return this._name;\n }\n /**\n * Stores the passed request in IndexedDB (with its timestamp and any\n * metadata) at the end of the queue.\n *\n * @param {Object} entry\n * @param {Request} entry.request The request to store in the queue.\n * @param {Object} [entry.metadata] Any metadata you want associated with the\n * stored request. When requests are replayed you'll have access to this\n * metadata object in case you need to modify the request beforehand.\n * @param {number} [entry.timestamp] The timestamp (Epoch time in\n * milliseconds) when the request was first added to the queue. This is\n * used along with `maxRetentionTime` to remove outdated requests. In\n * general you don't need to set this value, as it's automatically set\n * for you (defaulting to ``), but you can update it if you\n * don't want particular requests to expire.\n */\n async pushRequest(entry) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n assert.isType(entry, 'object', {\n moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',\n className: 'Queue',\n funcName: 'pushRequest',\n paramName: 'entry',\n });\n assert.isInstance(entry.request, Request, {\n moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',\n className: 'Queue',\n funcName: 'pushRequest',\n paramName: 'entry.request',\n });\n }\n await this._addRequest(entry, 'push');\n }\n /**\n * Stores the passed request in IndexedDB (with its timestamp and any\n * metadata) at the beginning of the queue.\n *\n * @param {Object} entry\n * @param {Request} entry.request The request to store in the queue.\n * @param {Object} [entry.metadata] Any metadata you want associated with the\n * stored request. When requests are replayed you'll have access to this\n * metadata object in case you need to modify the request beforehand.\n * @param {number} [entry.timestamp] The timestamp (Epoch time in\n * milliseconds) when the request was first added to the queue. This is\n * used along with `maxRetentionTime` to remove outdated requests. In\n * general you don't need to set this value, as it's automatically set\n * for you (defaulting to ``), but you can update it if you\n * don't want particular requests to expire.\n */\n async unshiftRequest(entry) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n assert.isType(entry, 'object', {\n moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',\n className: 'Queue',\n funcName: 'unshiftRequest',\n paramName: 'entry',\n });\n assert.isInstance(entry.request, Request, {\n moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',\n className: 'Queue',\n funcName: 'unshiftRequest',\n paramName: 'entry.request',\n });\n }\n await this._addRequest(entry, 'unshift');\n }\n /**\n * Removes and returns the last request in the queue (along with its\n * timestamp and any metadata). The returned object takes the form:\n * `{request, timestamp, metadata}`.\n *\n * @return {Promise<Object>}\n */\n async popRequest() {\n return this._removeRequest('pop');\n }\n /**\n * Removes and returns the first request in the queue (along with its\n * timestamp and any metadata). The returned object takes the form:\n * `{request, timestamp, metadata}`.\n *\n * @return {Promise<Object>}\n */\n async shiftRequest() {\n return this._removeRequest('shift');\n }\n /**\n * Returns all the entries that have not expired (per `maxRetentionTime`).\n * Any expired entries are removed from the queue.\n *\n * @return {Promise<Array<Object>>}\n */\n async getAll() {\n const allEntries = await this._queueStore.getAll();\n const now =;\n const unexpiredEntries = [];\n for (const entry of allEntries) {\n // Ignore requests older than maxRetentionTime. Call this function\n // recursively until an unexpired request is found.\n const maxRetentionTimeInMs = this._maxRetentionTime * 60 * 1000;\n if (now - entry.timestamp > maxRetentionTimeInMs) {\n await this._queueStore.deleteEntry(;\n }\n else {\n unexpiredEntries.push(convertEntry(entry));\n }\n }\n return unexpiredEntries;\n }\n /**\n * Adds the entry to the QueueStore and registers for a sync event.\n *\n * @param {Object} entry\n * @param {Request} entry.request\n * @param {Object} [entry.metadata]\n * @param {number} []\n * @param {string} operation ('push' or 'unshift')\n * @private\n */\n async _addRequest({ request, metadata, timestamp =, }, operation) {\n const storableRequest = await StorableRequest.fromRequest(request.clone());\n const entry = {\n requestData: storableRequest.toObject(),\n timestamp,\n };\n // Only include metadata if it's present.\n if (metadata) {\n entry.metadata = metadata;\n }\n await this._queueStore[`${operation}Entry`](entry);\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n logger.log(`Request for '${getFriendlyURL(request.url)}' has ` +\n `been added to background sync queue '${this._name}'.`);\n }\n // Don't register for a sync if we're in the middle of a sync. Instead,\n // we wait until the sync is complete and call register if\n // `this._requestsAddedDuringSync` is true.\n if (this._syncInProgress) {\n this._requestsAddedDuringSync = true;\n }\n else {\n await this.registerSync();\n }\n }\n /**\n * Removes and returns the first or last (depending on `operation`) entry\n * from the QueueStore that's not older than the `maxRetentionTime`.\n *\n * @param {string} operation ('pop' or 'shift')\n * @return {Object|undefined}\n * @private\n */\n async _removeRequest(operation) {\n const now =;\n const entry = await this._queueStore[`${operation}Entry`]();\n if (entry) {\n // Ignore requests older than maxRetentionTime. Call this function\n // recursively until an unexpired request is found.\n const maxRetentionTimeInMs = this._maxRetentionTime * 60 * 1000;\n if (now - entry.timestamp > maxRetentionTimeInMs) {\n return this._removeRequest(operation);\n }\n return convertEntry(entry);\n }\n else {\n return undefined;\n }\n }\n /**\n * Loops through each request in the queue and attempts to re-fetch it.\n * If any request fails to re-fetch, it's put back in the same position in\n * the queue (which registers a retry for the next sync event).\n */\n async replayRequests() {\n let entry;\n while (entry = await this.shiftRequest()) {\n try {\n await fetch(entry.request.clone());\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n logger.log(`Request for '${getFriendlyURL(entry.request.url)}'` +\n `has been replayed in queue '${this._name}'`);\n }\n }\n catch (error) {\n await this.unshiftRequest(entry);\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n logger.log(`Request for '${getFriendlyURL(entry.request.url)}'` +\n `failed to replay, putting it back in queue '${this._name}'`);\n }\n throw new WorkboxError('queue-replay-failed', { name: this._name });\n }\n }\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n logger.log(`All requests in queue '${}' have successfully ` +\n `replayed; the queue is now empty!`);\n }\n }\n /**\n * Registers a sync event with a tag unique to this instance.\n */\n async registerSync() {\n if ('sync' in self.registration) {\n try {\n await self.registration.sync.register(`${TAG_PREFIX}:${this._name}`);\n }\n catch (err) {\n // This means the registration failed for some reason, possibly due to\n // the user disabling it.\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n logger.warn(`Unable to register sync event for '${this._name}'.`, err);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n /**\n * In sync-supporting browsers, this adds a listener for the sync event.\n * In non-sync-supporting browsers, this will retry the queue on service\n * worker startup.\n *\n * @private\n */\n _addSyncListener() {\n if ('sync' in self.registration) {\n self.addEventListener('sync', (event) => {\n if (event.tag === `${TAG_PREFIX}:${this._name}`) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n logger.log(`Background sync for tag '${event.tag}'` +\n `has been received`);\n }\n const syncComplete = async () => {\n this._syncInProgress = true;\n let syncError;\n try {\n await this._onSync({ queue: this });\n }\n catch (error) {\n syncError = error;\n // Rethrow the error. Note: the logic in the finally clause\n // will run before this gets rethrown.\n throw syncError;\n }\n finally {\n // New items may have been added to the queue during the sync,\n // so we need to register for a new sync if that's happened...\n // Unless there was an error during the sync, in which\n // case the browser will automatically retry later, as long\n // as `event.lastChance` is not true.\n if (this._requestsAddedDuringSync &&\n !(syncError && !event.lastChance)) {\n await this.registerSync();\n }\n this._syncInProgress = false;\n this._requestsAddedDuringSync = false;\n }\n };\n event.waitUntil(syncComplete());\n }\n });\n }\n else {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n logger.log(`Background sync replaying without background sync event`);\n }\n // If the browser doesn't support background sync, retry\n // every time the service worker starts up as a fallback.\n this._onSync({ queue: this });\n }\n }\n /**\n * Returns the set of queue names. This is primarily used to reset the list\n * of queue names in tests.\n *\n * @return {Set}\n *\n * @private\n */\n static get _queueNames() {\n return queueNames;\n }\n}\nexport { Queue };\n","/*\n Copyright 2018 Google LLC\n\n Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style\n license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at\n\n*/\nimport { Queue } from './Queue.js';\nimport './_version.js';\n/**\n * A class implementing the `fetchDidFail` lifecycle callback. This makes it\n * easier to add failed requests to a background sync Queue.\n *\n * @memberof module:workbox-background-sync\n */\nclass BackgroundSyncPlugin {\n /**\n * @param {string} name See the [Queue]{@link module:workbox-background-sync.Queue}\n * documentation for parameter details.\n * @param {Object} [options] See the\n * [Queue]{@link module:workbox-background-sync.Queue} documentation for\n * parameter details.\n */\n constructor(name, options) {\n /**\n * @param {Object} options\n * @param {Request} options.request\n * @private\n */\n this.fetchDidFail = async ({ request }) => {\n await this._queue.pushRequest({ request });\n };\n this._queue = new Queue(name, options);\n }\n}\nexport { BackgroundSyncPlugin };\n"],"names":["self","_","e","QueueStore","constructor","queueName","_queueName","_db","DBWrapper","onupgradeneeded","this","_upgradeDb","entry","id","add","firstEntry","getAllMatching","count","_removeEntry","direction","index","query","IDBKeyRange","only","delete","deleteEntry","event","db","target","result","oldVersion","objectStoreNames","contains","deleteObjectStore","createObjectStore","autoIncrement","keyPath","createIndex","unique","serializableProperties","StorableRequest","requestData","_requestData","request","url","headers","method","body","clone","arrayBuffer","key","value","entries","prop","undefined","toObject","Object","assign","slice","toRequest","Request","queueNames","Set","convertEntry","queueStoreEntry","queueEntry","timestamp","metadata","Queue","name","onSync","maxRetentionTime","_syncInProgress","_requestsAddedDuringSync","has","WorkboxError","_name","_onSync","replayRequests","_maxRetentionTime","_queueStore","_addSyncListener","_addRequest","_removeRequest","allEntries","getAll","now","Date","unexpiredEntries","maxRetentionTimeInMs","push","operation","fromRequest","registerSync","shiftRequest","fetch","error","unshiftRequest","registration","sync","register","err","addEventListener","tag","syncComplete","async","syncError","queue","lastChance","waitUntil","options","fetchDidFail","_queue","pushRequest"],"mappings":"2FAEA,IACIA,KAAK,kCAAoCC,IAE7C,MAAOC,ICeA,MAAMC,EAQTC,YAAYC,QACHC,EAAaD,OACbE,EAAM,IAAIC,YAnBP,0BADG,EAoBmC,CAC1CC,gBAAiBC,KAAKC,oBAYdC,UAgBLA,EAAMC,GACbD,EAAMP,UAAYK,KAAKJ,QACjBI,KAAKH,EAAIO,IAjDG,WAiDoBF,sBAWvBA,SAeRG,SAAoBL,KAAKH,EAAIS,eA3ElB,WA2EoD,CAClEC,MAAO,IAEPF,EAEAH,EAAMC,GAAKE,EAAWF,GAAK,SAIpBD,EAAMC,GAEjBD,EAAMP,UAAYK,KAAKJ,QACjBI,KAAKH,EAAIO,IAvFG,WAuFoBF,2BAS/BF,KAAKQ,EAAa,CAAEC,UAAW,mCAS/BT,KAAKQ,EAAa,CAAEC,UAAW,qCAUzBT,KAAKH,EAAIS,eAnHJ,WAmHsC,CACpDI,MAnHS,YAoHTC,MAAOC,YAAYC,KAAKb,KAAKJ,uBAcnBO,SACRH,KAAKH,EAAIiB,OApIG,WAoIuBX,YAS1BM,UAAEA,UACVP,SAAeF,KAAKH,EAAIS,eA9Ib,WA8I+C,CAC7DG,UAAAA,EACAC,MA/IS,YAgJTC,MAAOC,YAAYC,KAAKb,KAAKJ,GAC7BW,MAAO,OAEPL,eACMF,KAAKe,YAAYb,EAAMC,IACtBD,EASfD,EAAWe,SACDC,EAAKD,EAAME,OAAOC,OACpBH,EAAMI,WAAa,GAAKJ,EAAMI,WAnKvB,GAoKHH,EAAGI,iBAAiBC,SAlKV,aAmKVL,EAAGM,kBAnKO,YAsKDN,EAAGO,kBAtKF,WAsKuC,CACrDC,eAAe,EACfC,QAAS,OAEJC,YAzKI,YAAA,YAyKoC,CAAEC,QAAQ,KC7KnE,MAAMC,EAAyB,CAC3B,SACA,WACA,iBACA,OACA,cACA,QACA,WACA,YACA,aAQJ,MAAMC,EAUFpC,YAAYqC,GAiBoB,aAAxBA,EAAW,OACXA,EAAW,KAAW,oBAErBC,EAAeD,2BAWCE,SACfF,EAAc,CAChBG,IAAKD,EAAQC,IACbC,QAAS,IAGU,QAAnBF,EAAQG,SAKRL,EAAYM,WAAaJ,EAAQK,QAAQC,mBAGxC,MAAOC,EAAKC,KAAUR,EAAQE,QAAQO,UACvCX,EAAYI,QAAQK,GAAOC,MAG1B,MAAME,KAAQd,OACOe,IAAlBX,EAAQU,KACRZ,EAAYY,GAAQV,EAAQU,WAG7B,IAAIb,EAAgBC,GAS/Bc,iBACUd,EAAce,OAAOC,OAAO,GAAI/C,KAAKgC,UAC3CD,EAAYI,QAAUW,OAAOC,OAAO,GAAI/C,KAAKgC,EAAaG,SACtDJ,EAAYM,OACZN,EAAYM,KAAON,EAAYM,KAAKW,MAAM,IAEvCjB,EASXkB,mBACW,IAAIC,QAAQlD,KAAKgC,EAAaE,IAAKlC,KAAKgC,GASnDM,eACW,IAAIR,EAAgB9B,KAAK6C,aC/GxC,MAEMM,EAAa,IAAIC,IAUjBC,EAAgBC,UACZC,EAAa,CACftB,QAAS,IAAIH,EAAgBwB,EAAgBvB,aAAakB,YAC1DO,UAAWF,EAAgBE,kBAE3BF,EAAgBG,WAChBF,EAAWE,SAAWH,EAAgBG,UAEnCF,GASX,MAAMG,EAoBFhE,YAAYiE,GAAMC,OAAEA,EAAFC,iBAAUA,GAAqB,YACxCC,GAAkB,OAClBC,GAA2B,EAE5BZ,EAAWa,IAAIL,SACT,IAAIM,eAAa,uBAAwB,CAAEN,KAAAA,IAGjDR,EAAW/C,IAAIuD,QAEdO,EAAQP,OACRQ,EAAUP,GAAU5D,KAAKoE,oBACzBC,EAAoBR,GA5DN,WA6DdS,EAAc,IAAI7E,EAAWO,KAAKkE,QAClCK,sBAMEvE,KAAKkE,oBAkBEhE,SAeRF,KAAKwE,EAAYtE,EAAO,6BAkBbA,SAeXF,KAAKwE,EAAYtE,EAAO,qCAUvBF,KAAKyE,EAAe,mCAUpBzE,KAAKyE,EAAe,8BASrBC,QAAmB1E,KAAKsE,EAAYK,SACpCC,EAAMC,KAAKD,MACXE,EAAmB,OACpB,MAAM5E,KAASwE,EAAY,OAGtBK,EAAgD,GAAzB/E,KAAKqE,EAAyB,IACvDO,EAAM1E,EAAMsD,UAAYuB,QAClB/E,KAAKsE,EAAYvD,YAAYb,EAAMC,IAGzC2E,EAAiBE,KAAK3B,EAAanD,WAGpC4E,WAYO7C,QAAEA,EAAFwB,SAAWA,EAAXD,UAAqBA,EAAYqB,KAAKD,OAAUK,SAExD/E,EAAQ,CACV6B,mBAF0BD,EAAgBoD,YAAYjD,EAAQK,UAEjCO,WAC7BW,UAAAA,GAGAC,IACAvD,EAAMuD,SAAWA,SAEfzD,KAAKsE,EAAeW,EAAF,SAAoB/E,GAQxCF,KAAK8D,OACAC,GAA2B,QAG1B/D,KAAKmF,uBAWEF,SACXL,EAAMC,KAAKD,MACX1E,QAAcF,KAAKsE,EAAeW,EAAF,cAClC/E,EAAO,OAGD6E,EAAgD,GAAzB/E,KAAKqE,EAAyB,WACvDO,EAAM1E,EAAMsD,UAAYuB,EACjB/E,KAAKyE,EAAeQ,GAExB5B,EAAanD,+BAYpBA,OACGA,QAAcF,KAAKoF,0BAEZC,MAAMnF,EAAM+B,QAAQK,SAM9B,MAAOgD,eACGtF,KAAKuF,eAAerF,GAKpB,IAAI+D,eAAa,sBAAuB,CAAEN,KAAM3D,KAAKkE,6BAY/D,SAAU5E,KAAKkG,uBAELlG,KAAKkG,aAAaC,KAAKC,SAAU,2BAAgB1F,KAAKkE,GAEhE,MAAOyB,KAgBfpB,IACQ,SAAUjF,KAAKkG,aACflG,KAAKsG,iBAAiB,OAAS5E,OACvBA,EAAM6E,MAAS,2BAAgB7F,KAAKkE,EAAS,OAKvC4B,EAAeC,cAEbC,OADClC,GAAkB,YAGb9D,KAAKmE,EAAQ,CAAE8B,MAAOjG,OAEhC,MAAOsF,SACHU,EAAYV,EAGNU,WAQFhG,KAAK+D,GACHiC,IAAchF,EAAMkF,kBAChBlG,KAAKmF,oBAEVrB,GAAkB,OAClBC,GAA2B,IAGxC/C,EAAMmF,UAAUL,aAUnB3B,EAAQ,CAAE8B,MAAOjG,6BAYnBmD,iCC3Vf,MAQIzD,YAAYiE,EAAMyC,QAMTC,aAAeN,OAAS9D,QAAAA,YACnBjC,KAAKsG,EAAOC,YAAY,CAAEtE,QAAAA,UAE/BqE,EAAS,IAAI5C,EAAMC,EAAMyC"}