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37 lines
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  1. <?php
  2. use yii\helpers\Url;
  3. /* @var $this yii\web\View */
  4. /* @var $model antgoods\models\ars\Goods */
  5. /* @var $form yii\widgets\ActiveForm */
  6. ?>
  7. <?= $form->field($model, 'coverImageId')->hiddenInput()->label('') ?>
  8. <?= $form->field($model, 'coverImagePath')->widget(\iron\widgets\Upload::className(), [
  9. 'url' => 'upload',
  10. 'deleteUrl' => 'img-id-del',
  11. 'dragdropWidth'=> 800,
  12. 'afterSave' => 'save-file',
  13. 'maxCount' => 1,
  14. 'fillInAttribute' => 'coverImageId',
  15. 'model' => $model,
  16. 'ruleVerify' => $model->ruleVerify,
  17. 'previewConfig' => [
  18. 'url' => Url::to(['image-file', 'fileidstr' => $model->coverImageId]),
  19. ],
  20. ])->label('商品封面图') ?>
  21. <?= $form->field($model, 'detailImageId')->hiddenInput()->label('') ?>
  22. <?= $form->field($model, 'detailImagePath')->widget(\iron\widgets\Upload::className(), [
  23. 'url' => 'upload',
  24. 'deleteUrl' => 'img-id-del',
  25. 'dragdropWidth'=> 800,
  26. 'afterSave' => 'save-file',
  27. 'maxCount' => 5,
  28. 'fillInAttribute' => 'detailImageId',
  29. 'model' => $model,
  30. 'ruleVerify' => $model->ruleVerify,
  31. 'previewConfig' => [
  32. 'url' => Url::to(['image-file', 'fileidstr' => $model->detailImageId]),
  33. ],
  34. ])->label('商品详情图') ?>