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namespace backend\logic\file;
use common\models\ars\TemFile;
class FileManager
public static $extension = [
TemFile::TYPE_IMAGE => ['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg'],
TemFile::TYPE_VIDEO => ['mp4'],
TemFile::TYPE_EXCEL => [],
TemFile::TYPE_WORD => ['docx'],
TemFile::TYPE_TXT => ['txt'],
* @param $array
* @param $value
* @param int $key
* @return int
* 查看$extension数组中是否存在文件类型,不存在则返回-1
public function searchKey($array,$value, $key=-1){
foreach($array as $k=>$row){
if($row == $value){
if($key != -1) {
return $key;
return -1;
$r = self::searchKey($row,$value, $k);
if($r != -1){
return $r;
return -1;