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2 years ago
  1. <?php
  2. namespace Blobt\Luxcore\scene;
  3. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\lights\Emission;
  4. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\lights\env\HdrImage;
  5. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\materials\Disney;
  6. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\materials\Matte;
  7. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\objects\Objects;
  8. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\Batch;
  9. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\effect\BackgroundImg;
  10. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\effect\CammaCorrection;
  11. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\effect\NoiseReducerOIDN;
  12. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\effect\Pretreatment;
  13. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\effect\Synthesis;
  14. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\effect\ToneMapLinear;
  15. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\FileSaver;
  16. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\Film;
  17. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\Image;
  18. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\LightStrategy;
  19. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\OpenCL;
  20. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\Path;
  21. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\RenderEngine;
  22. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\Sampler;
  23. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\texture\mapping\Mapping;
  24. use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\texture\procedural\ImageMap;
  25. use Blobt\Luxcore\utils\MatHelper;
  26. use GuzzleHttp\Client;
  27. use GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions;
  28. include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/vendor/autoload.php";
  29. const OPEN = true | 1;
  30. const CLOSE = false | 0;
  31. /**
  32. * 标准材质长宽
  33. */
  34. const MAT_STANDARD_SIZE = 1000;
  35. $client = new Client();
  36. $response = $client->get("");
  37. $resContents = $response->getBody()->getContents();
  38. $result = json_decode($resContents,false);
  39. $taskData = $result->data;
  40. $taskScene = $taskData->scene;
  41. $taskModel = $taskScene->model;
  42. /**
  43. * 创建 Luxcore 材质
  44. */
  45. function createLuxcoreMat($matOriginal, $textureScaleU, $textureScaleV, $downloadDir, $scene){
  46. switch($matOriginal->renderType){
  47. case 1:
  48. return MatHelper::createMatOfDisney($matOriginal, $textureScaleU, $textureScaleV, $downloadDir, $scene);
  49. case 2:
  50. return;
  51. case 3:
  52. return;
  53. case 4:
  54. return;
  55. }
  56. }
  57. // 创建一个场景;
  58. $scene = new Scene();
  59. $sceneTemplatePath = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/sceneTemplate";
  60. // 一、创建光场:
  61. // 1、创建 面片光001
  62. $material = new Matte();
  63. $material->setBaseColor('0 0 0');
  64. $material->setTransparencyShadow('1 1 1');
  65. $material->setEmission('1 1 1');
  66. $scene->registerMaterial($material);
  67. $obj = new Objects();
  68. $obj->ply = './ply/FaceLight001.ply';
  69. $obj->setMaterial($material);
  70. $scene->registerObjects($obj);
  71. // 2、创建 面片光002
  72. $material = new Matte();
  73. $material->setBaseColor('0 0 0');
  74. $material->setTransparencyShadow('1 1 1');
  75. $material->setEmission('0 0 0');
  76. $material->emissionCfg = new Emission([
  77. 'gain' => "30 30 30",
  78. ]);
  79. $scene->registerMaterial($material);
  80. $obj = new Objects();
  81. $obj->ply = './ply/FaceLight002.ply';
  82. $obj->setMaterial($material);
  83. $scene->registerObjects($obj);
  84. // 3、创建 面片光003
  85. $material = new Matte();
  86. $material->setBaseColor('0 0 0');
  87. $material->setTransparencyShadow('1 1 1');
  88. $material->setEmission('1 1 1');
  89. $material->emissionCfg = new Emission([
  90. 'gain' => "50 50 50",
  91. ]);
  92. $scene->registerMaterial($material);
  93. $obj = new Objects();
  94. $obj->ply = './ply/FaceLight003.ply';
  95. $obj->setMaterial($material);
  96. $scene->registerObjects($obj);
  97. // 4、创建 面片光004
  98. $material = new Matte();
  99. $material->setBaseColor('0 0 0');
  100. $material->setTransparencyShadow('1 1 1');
  101. $material->setEmission('0 0 0');
  102. $material->emissionCfg = new Emission([
  103. 'gain' => "4 4 4",
  104. ]);
  105. $scene->registerMaterial($material);
  106. $obj = new Objects();
  107. $obj->ply = './ply/FaceLight004.ply';
  108. $obj->setMaterial($material);
  109. $scene->registerObjects($obj);
  110. // 5、创建 面片光005
  111. $material = new Matte();
  112. $material->setBaseColor('0 0 0');
  113. $material->setTransparencyShadow('1 1 1');
  114. $material->setEmission('1 1 1');
  115. $material->emissionCfg = new Emission([
  116. 'gain' => "10 10 10",
  117. ]);
  118. $scene->registerMaterial($material);
  119. $obj = new Objects();
  120. $obj->ply = './ply/FaceLight005.ply';
  121. $obj->setMaterial($material);
  122. $scene->registerObjects($obj);
  123. // 6、创建 面片光006
  124. $material = new Matte();
  125. $material->setBaseColor('0 0 0');
  126. $material->setTransparencyShadow('1 1 1');
  127. $material->setEmission('1 1 1');
  128. $material->emissionCfg = new Emission([
  129. 'gain' => "8 8 8",
  130. 'mapfile' => "./map/SD-037.exr",
  131. 'gamma' => 1,
  132. 'storage' => "float"
  133. ]);
  134. $scene->registerMaterial($material);
  135. $obj = new Objects();
  136. $obj->ply = './ply/FaceLight006.ply';
  137. $obj->setMaterial($material);
  138. $scene->registerObjects($obj);
  139. // 7、创建 面片光000
  140. $material = new Matte();
  141. $material->setBaseColor('0 0 0');
  142. $material->setTransparencyShadow('1 1 1');
  143. $material->setEmission('1 1 1');
  144. $material->emissionCfg = new Emission([
  145. 'gain' => "3.3 3.3 3.3",
  146. ]);
  147. $scene->registerMaterial($material);
  148. $obj = new Objects();
  149. $obj->ply = './ply/FaceLight000.ply';
  150. $obj->setMaterial($material);
  151. $scene->registerObjects($obj);
  152. // 8、创建环境光
  153. $light = new HdrImage([
  154. 'gain' => "1.25 1.25 1.25",
  155. 'transformation' => "0.1736481 -0.9848078 0 0 -0.9848078 -0.1736481 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1",
  156. 'file' => "./map/env.png",
  157. 'gamma' => 1,
  158. 'storage' => "byte"
  159. ]);
  160. $light->id = 0;
  161. $scene->registerLight($light);
  162. // 9、创建地面模型
  163. $mapping = new Mapping();
  164. $mapping->useUVMapping2d(0, "0", "0.4 -0.966", "0.3 0.983");
  165. $texture = new ImageMap([
  166. 'file' => "./map/方形阴影遮照.png",
  167. 'gain' => 0.6,
  168. 'gamma' => 1,
  169. ]);
  170. $texture->mapping = $mapping;
  171. $scene->registerTexture($texture);
  172. $material = new Disney([
  173. 'shadowcatcherEnable' => OPEN,
  174. 'photongiEnable' => CLOSE
  175. ]);
  176. $material->setBaseColor('1 1 1');
  177. $material->setTransparencyFront($texture);
  178. $material->setTransparencyBack($texture);
  179. $scene->registerMaterial($material);
  180. $obj = new Objects();
  181. $obj->ply = './ply/ground.ply';
  182. $obj->setMaterial($material);
  183. $scene->registerObjects($obj);
  184. // 二、添加要渲染的模型
  185. foreach($taskModel->childsParams as $childParams){
  186. $downloadDir = $sceneTemplatePath.'/cacheFiles/';
  187. $material = null;
  188. $matOriginal = (function ($childParams){
  189. if(is_object($childParams->customMat)){
  190. return $childParams->customMat;
  191. }else if(is_object($childParams->fixedMat)){
  192. return $childParams->fixedMat;
  193. }else if(is_object($childParams->defaultMat)){
  194. return $childParams->defaultMat;
  195. }
  196. })($childParams);
  197. $textureScaleU = $taskModel->uvScale*(MAT_STANDARD_SIZE/$matOriginal->width);
  198. $textureScaleV = $taskModel->uvScale*(MAT_STANDARD_SIZE/$matOriginal->height);
  199. if(is_object($matOriginal)){
  200. $material = createLuxcoreMat($matOriginal, $textureScaleU, $textureScaleV, $downloadDir, $scene);
  201. }else{
  202. $material = new Disney();
  203. $material->setBaseColor('1 1 1');
  204. }
  205. $scene->registerMaterial($material);
  206. $plyFileSavaPath = $downloadDir.basename($childParams->childPlyFile);
  207. $plyFileHandle = fopen($plyFileSavaPath, "w");
  208. (new Client())->get($childParams->childPlyFile, [RequestOptions::SINK => $plyFileHandle]);
  209. $obj = new Objects();
  210. $obj->ply = $plyFileSavaPath;
  211. $obj->setMaterial($material);
  212. $scene->registerObjects($obj);
  213. fclose($plyFileHandle);
  214. }
  215. // 三、创建相机
  216. $camera = new camera\Perspective( // 创建一个相机
  217. [
  218. 'autovolumeEnable' => 0, // 关闭自动体积效果
  219. 'lookatOrig' => "-3.197486 -4.560584 0.8914337", // 视点坐标位置
  220. 'lookatTarget' => "-2.632151 -3.747173 0.7544713", // 目标点坐标位置
  221. 'up' => "0.0781663 0.1124666 0.9905763", // 旋转参数
  222. 'screenwindow' => "-1 1 -1 1", // 视野比例
  223. 'autofocusEnable' => 0, // 关闭自动对焦
  224. 'fieldofview' => 3.40608, // 视野角度大小
  225. 'cliphither' => 0.1 // 剪切成像起始位置,单位跟随系统
  226. ]
  227. );
  228. $camera->bokeh->blades = 0; // 模拟镜头模糊效果的光圈数
  229. $scene->registerCamera($camera); // 将相机注册到 scene 中
  230. // 四、设置渲染参数
  231. $render = '';
  232. $renderEngine = new RenderEngine(); // 设置 渲染引擎 的配置参数,默认使用了 PATHOCL,意义着将使用 GPU 设备渲染
  233. $render .= $renderEngine;
  234. $openCL = new OpenCL(); // 设置 GPU 渲染参数,这里使用一个默认的参数
  235. $render .= $openCL;
  236. $path = new Path(); // 设置 光线跟踪 参数,这里使用一个默认的参数
  237. $render .= $path;
  238. $sampler = new Sampler(); // 设置 采样器 配置参数,默认使用 Sobol 类型的自适应采样器
  239. $render .= $sampler;
  240. $lightStrategy = new LightStrategy(); // 设置 灯光策略 类型,默认使用 LOG_POWER 类型
  241. $render .= $lightStrategy;
  242. $filesaver = new FileSaver(); // 设置 文件储存格式 配置参数
  243. $render .= $filesaver;
  244. $batch = new Batch(); // 设置 渲染终止 参数,
  245. $batch->haltspp = 1000; // 设置 每像素 采样达 800 则终止渲染
  246. // $batch->halttime = 2000; // 设置 渲染 超时参数,
  247. $render .= $batch;
  248. $sceneCfg = new render\Scene(); // 设置 场景属性 参数
  249. $render .= $sceneCfg;
  250. $film = new Film(); // 添加一个渲染胶片
  251. $film->width = 3000; // 设置渲染胶片宽度,单位像素
  252. $film->heigth = 3000; // 设置渲染胶片宽度,单位像素
  253. $img = new Image(); // 添加一个图像输出
  254. $img->effect = [new Pretreatment(),new ToneMapLinear(),new CammaCorrection()];
  255. // 为该图像添加效果管线
  256. $film->addImage($img); // 将该图像输出添加到渲染胶片
  257. $film->addImage(new Image(['type' => Image::TYPE_OBJECT_ID])); // 为渲染胶片添加一个 通道图类型 的图像输出
  258. $film->addImage(new Image(['type' => Image::TYPE_RGBA])); // 添加一个 透明底 的图像输出
  259. $img = new Image(); // 添加一个图像输出,使用默认参数
  260. $img->effect[] = new NoiseReducerOIDN(); // 添加降噪效果管线,使用默认参数
  261. $img->effect[] = new Pretreatment(); //
  262. $img->effect[] = new ToneMapLinear(); // 添加一亮度效果管线,使用默认参数
  263. $img->effect[] = new Synthesis(); // 添加一个合成效果管线,使用默认参数
  264. $img->effect[] = new BackgroundImg( // 添加一个背景图像,使用默认参数
  265. [
  266. 'file' => "./map/纯白242.png"
  267. ]
  268. );
  269. $img->effect[] = new render\effect\CammaCorrection(); // 添加一个 gamma 校正,,使用默认参数
  270. $film->addImage($img); // 将该图像输出添加到渲染胶片
  271. $render .= $film;
  272. // 五、输出场景文件 scene.scn,及渲染文件 render.cfg
  273. echo $scene;
  274. $handle = fopen( $sceneTemplatePath . "/scene.scn",'w+');
  275. fwrite($handle,$scene);
  276. fclose($handle);
  277. echo $render ;
  278. $handle = fopen( $sceneTemplatePath . "/render.cfg",'w+');
  279. fwrite($handle,$render);
  280. fclose($handle);
  281. // 六、启动渲染器
  282. $cfgPath = $sceneTemplatePath . "/render.cfg";
  283. $scenePath = $sceneTemplatePath . "/scene.scn";
  284. $logPath = $sceneTemplatePath . "/render.log";
  285. $cmd = "luxcoreconsole -o " . $cfgPath . " -f " . $scenePath . " 1>" . $logPath . " 2>&1";
  286. echo "\n".$cmd."\n";
  287. $output;
  288. $returnVar;
  289. exec($cmd,$output,$returnVar);
  290. if( $returnVar == 127 ){
  291. throw new \Exception("Please install the luxcorerender bin file in the system directory correctly,Or add to the system environment variable");
  292. }
  293. ?>