namespace Blobt\Luxcore\scene;
use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\lights\Emission; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\lights\env\HdrImage; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\materials\Disney; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\materials\Matte; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\objects\Objects; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\Batch; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\effect\BackgroundImg; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\effect\CammaCorrection; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\effect\NoiseReducerOIDN; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\effect\Pretreatment; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\effect\Synthesis; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\effect\ToneMapLinear; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\FileSaver; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\Film; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\Filter; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\Image; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\LightStrategy; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\Native; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\OpenCL; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\Path; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\RenderEngine; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\render\Sampler; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\texture\mapping\Mapping; use Blobt\Luxcore\scene\texture\procedural\ImageMap; use Blobt\Luxcore\utils\MatHelper; use GuzzleHttp\Client; use GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions;
include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/vendor/autoload.php";
const OPEN = true | 1; const CLOSE = false | 0; /** * 标准材质长宽 */ const MAT_STANDARD_SIZE = 1000; const UNIT_CONVERSION_MM_TO_M = 0.001;
$client = new Client(); $response = $client->get("deep3d.backend-api.dev.com/test/render-task"); $resContents = $response->getBody()->getContents(); $result = json_decode($resContents,false); $taskData = $result->data; $taskScene = $taskData->scene; $taskModel = $taskScene->model; $taskCamera = $taskScene->camera;
/** * 创建 Luxcore 材质 */ function createLuxcoreMat($matOriginal, $textureScaleU, $textureScaleV, $cacheFileDir, $scene){ switch($matOriginal->renderType){ case 1: return MatHelper::createMatOfDisney($matOriginal, $textureScaleU, $textureScaleV, $cacheFileDir, $scene); case 2: return; case 3: return; case 4: return; } }
// 创建一个场景;
$scene = new Scene(); $sceneTemplatePath = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/sceneTemplate";
// 一、创建光场:
// 8、创建环境光
$light = new HdrImage([ 'gain' => "1 1 1", 'transformation' => "-1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1", 'file' => "./map/shendoEnv.exr", 'gamma' => 1, 'storage' => "float" ]); $light->id = 0; $scene->registerLight($light);
// 9、创建地面模型
$mapping = new Mapping(); $mapping->useUVMapping2d(0, "0", "0.4 -0.966", "0.3 0.983"); $texture = new ImageMap([ 'file' => "./map/方形阴影遮照.png", 'gain' => 0.6, 'gamma' => 1, ]); $texture->mapping = $mapping; $scene->registerTexture($texture); $material = new Disney([ 'shadowcatcherEnable' => OPEN, 'photongiEnable' => CLOSE ]); $material->setBaseColor('1 1 1'); $material->setTransparencyFront($texture); $material->setTransparencyBack($texture); $scene->registerMaterial($material); $obj = new Objects(); $obj->ply = './ply/ground.ply'; $obj->setMaterial($material); $scene->registerObjects($obj);
// 二、添加要渲染的模型
foreach($taskModel->childsParams as $childParams){ $cacheFileDir = $sceneTemplatePath.'/cacheFiles'; $material = null; $matOriginal = (function ($childParams){ if(is_object($childParams->customMat)){ return $childParams->customMat; }else if(is_object($childParams->fixedMat)){ return $childParams->fixedMat; }else if(is_object($childParams->defaultMat)){ return $childParams->defaultMat; } })($childParams); if(is_object($matOriginal)){ $textureScaleU = $taskModel->uvScale*(MAT_STANDARD_SIZE/$matOriginal->width); $textureScaleV = $taskModel->uvScale*(MAT_STANDARD_SIZE/$matOriginal->height)*-1; $material = createLuxcoreMat($matOriginal, $textureScaleU, $textureScaleV, $cacheFileDir, $scene); }else{ $material = new Disney(); $material->setBaseColor('1 1 1'); } $scene->registerMaterial($material);
$plyFileSavaPath = $cacheFileDir.'/'.basename($childParams->childPlyFile); $plyFileHandle = fopen($plyFileSavaPath, "w"); (new Client())->get($childParams->childPlyFile, [RequestOptions::SINK => $plyFileHandle]); $obj = new Objects(); $obj->ply = $plyFileSavaPath; $obj->setMaterial($material); $scene->registerObjects($obj); }
// 三、创建相机
$position = $taskCamera->position; $position->x = $position->x * UNIT_CONVERSION_MM_TO_M; $position->y = $position->y * UNIT_CONVERSION_MM_TO_M; $position->z = $position->z * UNIT_CONVERSION_MM_TO_M; $target = $taskCamera->target; $target->x = $target->x * UNIT_CONVERSION_MM_TO_M; $target->y = $target->y * UNIT_CONVERSION_MM_TO_M; $target->z = $target->z * UNIT_CONVERSION_MM_TO_M; $upVector = $taskCamera->upVector; $camera = new camera\Perspective( [ 'autovolumeEnable' => 0, 'lookatOrig' => "{$position->x} {$position->y} {$position->z}", 'lookatTarget' => "{$target->x} {$target->y} {$target->z}", 'up' => "{$upVector->x} {$upVector->y} {$upVector->z}", 'screenwindow' => "-1 1 -1 1", 'autofocusEnable' => 0, 'fieldofview' => $taskCamera->fov, 'cliphither' => 0.1, ] ); $camera->bokeh->blades = 0; $scene->registerCamera($camera);
// 四、设置渲染参数
// // gpu 渲染
// $render = '';
// $renderEngine = new RenderEngine();
// $render .= $renderEngine;
// $openCL = new OpenCL();
// // $openCL->cpuUse = OpenCL::CLOSE;
// // $openCL->nativeThreadsCount = 0;
// $render .= $openCL;
// $lightStrategy = new LightStrategy();
// $render .= $lightStrategy;
// $path = new Path();
// $render .= $path;
// $sampler = new Sampler();
// $render .= $sampler;
// $filesaver = new FileSaver();
// $render .= $filesaver;
// $batch = new Batch();
// $batch->haltspp = 4000;
// // $batch->halttime = 2000;
// $render .= $batch;
// $sceneCfg = new render\Scene();
// $render .= $sceneCfg;
// cpu 渲染
$render = ''; $renderEngine = new RenderEngine(); $renderEngine->type = RenderEngine::TYPE_PATHCPU; $render .= $renderEngine;
$native = new Native(); $render .= $native;
$lightStrategy = new LightStrategy(); $render .= $lightStrategy; $path = new Path(); $render .= $path;
$sampler = new Sampler(); $render .= $sampler;
$filesaver = new FileSaver(); $filesaver->renderengineType = FileSaver::TYPE_PATHCPU; $render .= $filesaver;
$batch = new Batch(); $batch->haltspp = 2000; // $batch->halttime = 2000;
$render .= $batch;
$sceneCfg = new render\Scene(); $render .= $sceneCfg;
// 图像输出设置
$imageOutDir = $sceneTemplatePath.'/imageOut'; $film = new Film();
$filter = new Filter(); $filter->type = Filter::TYPE_GAUSSIAN; $filter->gaussianAlpha = 1; $filter->width = 1;
$film->filter = $filter; $film->width = 4096; $film->heigth = 4096;
$img = new Image(); $img->effect = [new Pretreatment(),new ToneMapLinear(),new CammaCorrection()]; $film->addImage($img, $imageOutDir);
$film->addImage(new Image(['type' => Image::TYPE_OBJECT_ID]), $imageOutDir); $film->addImage(new Image(['type' => Image::TYPE_RGBA]), $imageOutDir);
$img = new Image(); // $img->effect[] = new NoiseReducerOIDN();
$img->effect[] = new Pretreatment(); $img->effect[] = new ToneMapLinear(); $img->effect[] = new Synthesis(); $img->effect[] = new BackgroundImg( [ 'file' => "./map/纯白242.png" ] ); $img->effect[] = new CammaCorrection(); $film->addImage($img, $imageOutDir); $render .= $film;
// 五、输出场景文件 scene.scn,及渲染文件 render.cfg
$cfgPath = $sceneTemplatePath . "/render.cfg"; $scenePath = $sceneTemplatePath . "/scene.scn"; $logPath = $sceneTemplatePath . "/log/render.log";
echo $scene; $handle = fopen( $scenePath,'w+'); fwrite($handle,$scene); fclose($handle);
echo $render ; $handle = fopen( $cfgPath,'w+'); fwrite($handle,$render); fclose($handle);
// 六、启动渲染器
$cmd = "luxcoreconsole -o " . $cfgPath . " -f " . $scenePath . " 1>" . $logPath . " 2>&1"; echo "\n".$cmd."\n"; $output; $returnVar; exec($cmd,$output,$returnVar);
if( $returnVar == 127 ){ throw new \Exception("Please install the luxcorerender bin file in the system directory correctly,Or add to the system environment variable"); }